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Table of Contents
The Fine Print

Final Fantasy
The Sims

Shoujo Anime
Shounen Anime (and everything else)
Shoujo Manga
Otaku Glossary


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You can also click on any of the links on the left, and it'll forward you to the corresponding pages on my real site (as opposed to this fake one). Warning: this site might not be for you if you're afraid of pink. Hehe, just kidding. Didn't really mean to make the whole thing pink. I just wanted to have a white mask over the red background and the result Don't be afraid of pink! Pink is good!

What the hell is this site about?
This site is meant to be a resource for anyone who's looking for more information on videogames, computer games, anime, and manga. The content here will be a little biased because most of the videogames I play are Final Fantasy, most of the computer games I mess around with are The Sims packs, and most of the anime I watch and manga I read are shoujo.

I always learned more about my hobbies not from the series' official websites, but from countless fansites run by people who really love the stuff. Through these fansites, I was able to make informed decisions as to what games to get, what Sim objects to download, what anime to watch, and what manga to read. So this site is my way of giving back to the communities that provided me with so much excuse to procrastinate :P

So what will you find on this site? Basically, my objective and subjective reviews of the abovementioned series. I can't count the number of times I googled titles to find out whether it's worth time and money. Other fans' reviews have been very useful; official press releases really don't tell much because they're produced by public relations officers who want to sell their companies' products. It's the actual fans who got the goods and the dirt on the titles.