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  Tears From Above





Hey, my name is Lilian. I'm sure you must be thinking there has to be a reason I'm creating this page.'s hard for me to say. This is not like every regular homepage. I wanted it to be special. Unfortunately, I don't even know what is the main purpose I created this page. I want it to be inspiring, soothing, eye catching and what not. A page that actually has a heart and a soul which allows people to dream and inspire and be inspired. Still, I have no idea what to put in! Well, this is only the beginning, there is more; until I get inspired. For now ;)

p/s: all the images, products, design, layout and what not is strictly copyrighted© and not to be taken out of this page without my permission. I hope we understand each other :) So Long! 

                          Email Me!


The night is far spent; the day draws near. Let us cast off deeds of darkness and put on the armor or light. Let us live honorably, as in daylight...
          -Romans 13:12- 13a-

Think of everything beautiful left around you and be happy about it.

                 --Anne Frank-

Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.
                 - Helen Keller-

           What is Create?

- A place where you can view artwork done by various people, anonymous people and friends. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but a place to show true creativity.

           What is Inspire?

- A place where you get inspired an be inspired. Quotes, poetry, sayings and writings by various people, anonymous which touched the lives of many and of course, spread laughter among us.-

         What is Dream?

- A place where you are brought back on the wings of time, or even down memory lane. Photos to make you laugh, cry and think in silence. Call it dreams or memories, its up to you ;)

     What is Heart&Soul?

- Well, everyone has a blog nowadays. It won't be so strange if I have one to share my thoughts and words with right? My blog is definitely a place where I can place my heart and soul into.