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1. What is a diverging boundary? Two plates that move away from each other.

2. Where is a very long divergent boundary? In the middle of the aAlantic ocean.

3. What type of boundary do we live near(North American west coast)? Subduction zone (converging boundary).

4. What type of boundary do Californians have to live with? transform boundary.

5. Where is the lithosphere and what does it consist of? Upper mantle and and crust, about 100km thick.

6. What metals do you find in the inner core? Iron and nickel.

7. What is it called when hot metals rise and fall when cooled? Convection.

8. Hot liquid rock below the surafce of the earth is called? Magma.

9. Name two things that form a convergent boundary? Mountains and Volcanoes.

10. What is the name of the so-called supercontinent? Pangea.
