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About Me

Well this is about my life hmmm where do I start??? I grew up in Windsor Ontario although I moved around A LOT! I am very loud and I love to laugh and smile. I am almost always happy and if not their is something seriouly wrong. Sometimes I blurt out things I shoulden't have because I have a tendancy to speek before I think especially if I am pissed right off.If I am, I blank out and just yell. It's happend to me many times. I'm not a violent person, but if people mess with my friends yeah I can be lol.

I attend KCVI and I love it. I live on Wolfe Island and that coulden't be more fun...cuz it means more chill time with friends and lotz of crazy adventures. I don't really like school. I like it becuse it's a social event and I love being with my friends, working just sucks tho. I'm failing my biology class and it sucks! I've never gotten really low grades. Plus because I had a spare I decided instead to go into resource and well I got a 65 cuz I came late!! so imagine my avg. If my resource mark was higher I would at least get my 70ish avg but nooooooooooo! I've just tended not to care and try really hard in Bio. I am dying my hair again!! I don't like it anymore the red really faded.

Fav music: Punk all the way, alternative, and some metal. All time fav band Linkin Park HELL YA!!!!!! Blink 182, Gob Nofx, New found glory, metallica, greenday (old stuff), offspring (oldstuff), three dayz grace, puddle of mudd, Goo Goo dools, alexisonfire ( saw them in concert they rule), rancid, drowning pool, orgy (blue monday is a cool song), our lady peace, creed, megadeth, default, used, grade8, finch and loads of more punk music and metal.

Likes: I love all my friends!I especially luv my baby Jesse! I love my bestest babes Meg a.k.a meggerz (your my heart who I cannot live without), Jaime, Naomi, Haleykinz and Jo, my Sherri-berri and my lovely wife nicole!!. Then therz my guyz Mike, Adam, and even tho he's really quiet he's cool Petey haha and then therz Gregg he's a pretty chill guy and fun, Hunter-Brown does hillarious impressions and it cracks me right up!!

Dislikes: I really don't like jocks!!!!!! EWE!!! I don't like ppl that think their better then u cuz their considerd "popular" when really their the ones hated because of the way they act. I dislike cockiness in ppl. In the joking way it's funny. I hate ppl who talk about you then they confront you and canno't say it to your face. If ur not brave enough to say it to their face don't say shit at all ya kno?

Well There is a little bit about me yes boring I kno and yes it if from my dilly I cheeted ;) It is also boring, but I didn't force you to go look now did I??? LOL!! Have a wonderful time at my site :)
