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All About My Friends


First off all My best friend in the entire world is Megan a.k.a. Meggerz lol. I live with her and she is the best thing that happened to me. When I needed someone she didn't hesitate and offered her house and I couldn’t ever be more thankful. Me and Megz are usually always together were inseparable lol. We have sooo many good times. Just at night in her room we get in little fights and wrestle each other on her bed until we burst out laughing so hard. I have never laughed so hard in my life until I met this girl she has seriously made me pee my pants. It's kinda sad but true. Me and Megan have amazing party stories together. A lot of them are with the guys and how we hang around getting wasted. I have met Megan’s toilet many times LOL. The greatest thing was how me and Megz met. I was in line to get my picture taken, me being a new student at Kcvi and she asked who I was hanging around with. I told her who and the first thing she ever said,"you’re missing out you need to come hang with me and my friends." After that she asked me to take a walk and so I did. I just thought she was so nice and she was the first person to accept me. At first I used to spend every weekend at her house three nights in a row haha. I remember all Saturday we would just chillax in pj's and lounge around watching cartoons. YEAH CARTOONS ROCK!! Then there is all those good times at Adam's place with Megz how she introduced me to the guyz and now they are like my best friends now. I remember the first time I went to second cup was with Megan we had to run in the pouring rain to catch the Wolfe Island boat. Then their was the walk to the "kegger" yeah we never made it, got lost but had soo much fun!! I love ya babe!

Jamie aka Jamerz!

I met Jaime the second day of school and we have been friends since. She has the greatest taste in music and we pretty much like the same. Plus she likes LINKIN PARK AND AVRIL LAVINGE! What could be better. Jaime has the most comfortable carpeting in the world u wanna fall asleep.... Wait I did twice at that one!! Hey Jamerz... BREAK LIGHTS!! I swear I didn't touch them tho. I can't wait till the Alexisonfire concert! I love ya babe! 4 eva best friends :) Can't wait till this upcoming Alexisinfire concert MOSH PIT!!!!!


Hey my babe! When me and Haley met we never got a long and I didn't like her. But once I started talking to her she was amazing and we became the best of friends. She basically lived at my house and stayed there every weekend. We would always pull all nighters and be exhausted in the morning!! o yeah!! She also stinks at DDR which is sooo funny cuz u laugh ur ass off watching her hahaha! I love ya soooo much hunnie!


Hey gurl!! We have had some fun times together. I remember running out with sparklers in our hands and we had sooo much fun with that bouncy ball. O yeah! That is the best new years eve ever. Wouldn’t have spent it any other way. This girl has the highest bed in the world. LoL!! Ping Pong is also our sport! WE have never had so much fun playing Ping Pong heehee! Lovin yeah Jo

Mike a.k.a. Big Champion

Wow... When did I start hanging out with mike? Probably after him and Jaime started hanging out I got to know him and he is sooo cool. Mike is my guy best friend. I can tell him anything and he doesn't go tell people. We have what we call an "open relationship" LOL!! He has taught me a lot giving me information about playboy magazine you WOULDN’T want to know like snowballing!! PLAYBOYS WRONG MIKE!

Jaime (skater)

Kinda crzy how we like met... u were a skater so was I and instantly became friends. First time skating with u my top was off!! heehee good times!! Yes ur sexy and u kno it!!! I love the phone convo's we have very umm intresting woulden't want it any other way. U better teach me lots of tricks!!

Adam Eves

First time ever hanging out with all the guys I went to Adam's house. Man we have sooo many memories at that house lol!! Adam I own ur bathroom!! Twice at his house A liquid substance has came out my nose from laughing to hard. One time I found a nickel at his house started yelling how I was rich and promised to keep it. I gave it to Adam he brought it to school for me . I still to this day have that nickel. Also many close times when his parents have came home unexpectedly and I'm sitting under a table hiding or rushing to get the guyz outta the house... O man fun times!!

Naomi a.k.a. Nomerz

I met this girl the first time at a dance and thought she was the coolest thing. Ever since then we have been friends. Last valentines day I asked her to be my valentine and she said yes so it was this big thing and I bought her a present and all. I remember walking in the pouring rain to find this girl a birthday present. It was a relief when she liked it. Whenever she can get out of her house she is SOOO much fun to be with. Love ya always


Matt came to the group a while ago and he is nothing but HILLARIOUS!!! OMG!! He does all these weird impressions that make you laugh so hard you like piss your pants. I haven't tho or at least I don't think I have :P Other then that he's kinda quiet but once he's with friends he's uber loud!!


Greg's an interesting fellow lol. Never said he was a smart guy, cuz well he's not lol JJ! Greg always has a camera attached to his hand trying to get videos because he's putting one together off the guyz and everyone doing stupid things now and throughout the summer. It should be fun they always do stupid things lol. Greg goes to a different school, but is at our school a lot he is not a loud to skip anymore tho been doing it to much HAHA sucks to be you !!! No more taking things either you!! LOL Can't wait till he coems to kc haha I always call him my little Greggory cuz well thats what he is me and Gregg are really close as friends and it better stay that waye babez!


This is the guy that sits beside me in computer class and I bug him every five seconds because I barely ever understand. He's a good teacher. Once he explains it once I get it. YES I DO!! *shifty eyes* LOL!!! Well he's a fun guy and he's hopefully coming to the alexisonfire Can't wait for that.. O YAH!! p.s. no more hurting yourself at rugby ur gonna die lolz!!


I started chillen with this girl when she and Max started going out because she became friends with Haley. I realized she was sooo nice and fun. This girl is the funniest thing you would ever meet. I remember those gym close em Em?? They never stood a chance LOL!!! Shes also a recruiter along with Megan lol. You trouble makers you!! Remember ur first time was wit me babe!! o yeah! luv ya soooooooo much!! Loved the get well card too!!!


My big booty girl!! We have to stick together is our moto LOL. This girl is amazingly fun! We walked to the school to Haley's house together after school going to get ready for a dance and I had soo much fun. I remember me and I think it was Shandy had to pee lol!! Really Really BAD! Many more fun times will be invented with this girl oh yeah!!


Same thing with Haley... I didn't like this girl.. I don't know why. I just didn't then I met her and at the dance we had sooo much fun!! then she had to leave. Tear Tear. We are becoming really good friends and were gonna start hanging out... it's gonna be a blast with this little rebel hahah!!


TIM HORTONS ARE CHINERS!!!! LOL!! I will never forget that day the first day we hung out! I had to find a gift for someone and only had 10 dollars well lets just say Shannon showed me her way to shop the cheep way lol. I found her a gift and still had money to eat mmmmm. "Hey Jaime HE THINKS UR HOT!!" LOL. Shannon is hillarious she is sooo blunt about everything and a very loud person hahah. I love her tonz tho!!


Me and sherry never really hung around much. Now we do everyday and were closer than ever. She is so nice and sweet to everyone. I don't know if she has a mean bone in her body, but I love her that way!! Her first game of DDR was with me and I'm the one who got her addicted! Yepperz!! Well babe keep playin cuz u rock Luvin ya sooo much!


Well I guess we have to thank our wonderful biology class for our friendship lol. We never talked and she hung out with other people, but since this class it brought us ever so close and we hang out all the time!! This girl when I was havin boy troubles made me a pro and cons list for four of them... the funny thing is, is that Jesse won and well I'm with him now... thanks for the great table. lol. So far we've hung out a few times... but thats gonna be a tonz more with so many more memories :) I love ya lotz "mrs.Folks"

Nicole A.k.A My beautiful wife!

I remember the day that started. She was dating a guy named tim (not anymore tho :) now it's will and there sooooooooo cute) I asked her to marry me he got all upset but we ELOPED n e how! and it's been about a couple months at least now. Weve had fun togther just always remember the asses nicole!! lol!! I'll always rember u passes out at DDR and inside of S&R! Scary tho. Rough times we've made it through. Can't wait cuz were gonna have sooo much more fun. Luv ya hunniez!
