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Editing file:
The filename you have chosen does not end in .html. As a result, it may not be displayed correctly in all browsers.

This is the Basic Editor for the standard page layout. Use this form to add your own text, graphics and links, and to customize the look and feel of your page.

If there is a particular feature you don't want on your page, just leave the field blank and it will not appear. Please do not use HTML tags in any input field except the text blocks.

Step 1: Choose Colors
View colors in convenient popup window.
View colors in this window.
Active Link:
Visited Link:

Step 2: Add Background Image URL
Use our Image Gallery or your own file. To use your own file, upload the image to your directory, then enter the URL or filename here. For example, if you've uploaded a file named picture.gif, just enter picture.gif.
For images from our Image Gallery copy and paste just the image URL into the field above. The URL starts with http://, then has other stuff, and ends with .GIF or .JPG

Step 3: Select Page Alignment

Step 4: Enter Base Font Size

Step 5: Enter Page Headline and Title

Headline Size:

Step 6: Add Main Image URL

To use your own file, upload the image to your directory, then enter the URL or filename here. For example, if you've uploaded a file named picture.gif, just enter picture.gif .

For images from our Image Gallery copy and paste just the image URL into the field above. The URL starts with http://, then has other stuff, and ends with .GIF or .JPG

Step 7: Create List

Change to list items.

Step 8: Create Links

Change to links.

URL (Web address) Description

Step 9: Create Text Block

Text: HTML and images are okay here. For images from our Image Gallery copy and paste the entire HTML snippet you are given.

Step 10: Order the items on your page
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Main Image
Text Block

Step 11: Include Page-Hit Counter? Yes    No   
Note: In "preview" mode counters will read 999999

Step 12: Include E-mail Address? Yes    No   

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