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Choose Your Website Style


   You just found the best place for designing your website -- for a lot less than you ever imagined!

Dear Friend,

If you always wanted to learn how you could creat a website you would be proud of,  but did not have the time to actually learn how to do it -- the following information is just for you!

You don't have to know how to create a website to have a cool website!

Just have someone else create the website for you.  Someone who has spent the time and money to learn how to create a website just like you like.

Is As Easy As 1,2,3!

  1. Chose the design that has been already made for you
  2. E-mail me the content that you want your website to have
  3. View the results of your new website!

And remember that you can alter the look and the content of your website whenever you want just by emailing me.


Step 1

Choose the look of your website
(Click here to see your choices)

Template 1, Template 2, Template 3, Template 4, Template 5, Template 6,  Template 8, Template 9, Template 10, Template 11, Template 12, Template 13, Template 14

Step 2

E-mail me by clicking here. with any instructions that you want me to know and the content that you want your website to have.

Step 3

I will then direct you to your new site using angel fire where you can view your site and determine if you want any additional changes to take place in your website.  Then once you are satisfied with the look of your new website just make a payment using paypal to me, Richard Peralta, for a very low introductory price of $50 and up!  And that is all there is to it!  I will contact you about the price once you have been satisfied with your website.