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1. Bench Hop - Across the street from spot do a grind between the benches,

2. Ledge Hop - Do a grind between any 2 ledges.

3. Picnic Pop - located by the bro bowl do a grind between 2 of the picnic tables.

4. Pipe 2 Pipe - Go inside spot and transfer a grind between any of the pipes.

5. Pipe 2 Rail - Go inside spot and behind the bleachers. grind one of the pipes then ollie and land in a grind on the wooden rail that goes down behind the quarterpipes.

6. Planter Pop - Located by the pokaho plaza do a grind between any 2 of the planters.

7. Rack Up - Located across the street from spot grind one of the bicycle racks then jump up into a grind on the rail above.

8. Rail 2 Pipe - Do the oppisite of the pipe 2 rail gap.

9. Rail Hop - Grind between any 2 rails.

10. Rail Up - Go to the side of spot witht he parking garage across the street from it and do a wallride ont he spot building transfering up to the rail above.

11. Wet Beaver - Located by the wakeboard shop use the quarterpipes to transfer over the roll in.

12. Bank Break-In - Located in front of the bank are 2 quarterpipes on each side. ride up either one a do a spine transfer into the bank.

13. Bank Break-Out - Do the same thing as the bank break-in gap except do a spine transfer coming out of the bank.

14. Barts Chili - Do a spine transfer over the wakeboardshop landing in the HP in the boat or from the boat over the wakeboard shop.

15. Barts Sausage Melt - Transfer Over the strip clubs entrance using the QP's on either side.

16. Blue 10 - Located by the drawbridge ollie off the small stair set also works if you grind the stair rail.

17. Chapin Gap - Ollie over the grass hill in front of the wakeboard shop.

18. Cheese'n Eggs - Loacated by spot do a spine transfer over the fence into spot.

19. D'Amato Lip Gap - Do a lip trick on the d'amato building.

20. Fine Art Appreciation - Grind the yellow statue.

21. Inspecter Ledge - Do a grind on the ledge under the private detective dry cleaners sign.

22. Ledge To Rail - grind the concrete bleachers then jump into a grind on the rail that goes in the water and goes around by the wakeboard shop.

23. Over The Bank - In spot using the QP's transfer over the bank to the other QP.

24. Pipe Lip Gap - Located inside spot do a lip trick on the pipe above the QP's in the buildings.

25. Porter House T-Bone And Eggs - Jump fromt he dirt ramp by the bro bowl and acid drop into the bowl.

26. Power Down - grind the power line close to the bouncing car then ollie down to the fence below.

27. Power Up - Same as above but grind fromt he fence then ollie up into a grind on the powerline above it.

28. Rail 2 Ledge - Same as the ledge to rail gap except do it the oppisite way.

29. Ride 2 Pipe - Wallride up the side of spot and grind on the red pipe.

30. Ride To Rail - Wallride up the side of spot and grind the rail above.

31. Robs Patty Melt Plate - Located on the oppisite side of the street of the yellow statue ollie the big staircase.

32. Spot Bowl Transfer - Located inside spot transfer from the QP into the bowl.

33. Spot Channel - Located inside spot transfer over the small channel.

34. Spot Sign GrindLocated outside of spot do a wallride off the small ramp below the red pipe and then do a wallie and land in a grind on the spot sign.

35. Waterway GrindGrind the white rail above the waterway leading towards the yellow statue.

36. Waterway Manual - The same as the waterway grind gap but do a manual.

37. Wilts Soup Of The Day - Located by the WT Plaza transfer over the 2 QP's.

38. Wire 2 Wire - Transfer a grind between 2 of the powerlines.

39. Alexs Iced Tea - Do a spine transfer on either of the Halfpipes on the rooftops of the office buildings and use the planters to land on.

40. Big Spot Channel - Located insdie of spot transfer from the halfpipe to the QP next to it.

41. Bro Bowl Grind - Do the bowl grind goal in chapter 8 of storymode.

42. Cheese Steak Omelet - Grind the cable from the parking garage up to the halfpipe rooftops. one there, grind the cable the leads off of this buildingand around the backl of the circular building. Hold the grind allt he way back to the other halfpipe rooftop.

43. Chopsteak Dinner - Do a spine transfer from the skybridge down to one of the QP's inside the bank. to learn how to get onto the skyridge see the johnnys chicken melt gap.

44. Gaping Wallride Gap - Located inside the spot area with the half pipeuse that half pipe to get up into a grind on the pipe ring then grind around to the entrance area the wallride off the pipe past the 2 speakers then wallie into a grind on the other pipe ring.

45. Johnnys Chicken Melt - Get on the roof of spot and grind one of the large pipes then jump through the bank window landing in a grind on the rail inside the bank.

46. Pecan Waffle - Get ontop of the d'amato insurance building and jump off and land in a grind on the street light by the yellow statue.

47. Spot Wire Bridge - Grind the wires connecting the 2 spot rooftops.

48. Wallplant Combo - Complete the wallplant combo in chapter 8 of storymode.

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