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1. Bank To High Bar - Do a grind on the rail in the demo goal you do in chapter 13 of storymode.

2. Channel Planter R2R High - gap over the planter from the upper quarter pipe to the one ont he ground. these ramps are in the far corner of the building across from the museum.

3. Lofty Grind! - Do a grind on just about any ledge above a quarterpipe.

4. 9 1/2 Point Landing! - Grind off the back end of the horse statues spear and ollie into a grind on the curved portion of the ledge at the street corner.

5. Balcony Hopping - Go tot he building witht he atrium and gap over any 2 balconys.

6. Lip The Light! - When doingh the tear it up at the demo goal do a lip trick on the lights.

7. Lofty Lip! - Do a lip trick on the ledge above just about any quaterpipe.

8. Rail 2 Rail - Located in front of the museum transfer a grind between the 2 handrails.

9. Concrete Vs Metal - Located in the tunnel do a grind from the metal rails then jump acorss the street and land in a grind on the ledge

10. Hey...Nice Spear - Do a grind on the spear ont he horse statue.

11. 10 Point Landing! - Do a grind on the wire above the horse statue and jump over landing in a grind on the purple dragon statue.

12. Big Ledge Hop - Located in front of the museum tansfer a grind between the big gap between 2 ledges.

13. Big Rail 2 Rail - Do a grind on the green railing above the atrium and gap across the tiled roof to a grind on the other green railing.

14. Channel Planter R2R Low - gap over the planter fromt he upper quarter pipe to the one ont he ground. these ramps are in the far corner of the building across from the museum.

15. East Exit R2R - Go to the east exit and use the quaterpipes to transfer over the entrance.

16. Flag Flyin' - Do a grind on any of the wires the the colored flags on them.

17. Founders' R2R East Lil' - Air from the upper quaterpipe down to the one one the ground inside the founders buildings courtyard. the east side is the side closest to the stating point.

18. Founders' R2R West Lil' - Air from the upper quaterpipe down to the one one the ground inside the founders buildings courtyard. Use the ramps on the side nearest the center of town to score the west portion of this gap.

19. High Wire Act - Pop off the angled base of the horse statue and land in a grind on the wire overhead.

20. North Side Bell R2R - Located insdie the tunnel building transfer over one of the arches with the bells.

21. Over The Horse - Do a spine transfer over the horse statue.

22. Sawhorse Gap - Ollie over the sawhorse in the rooftop technician goal in chapter 11 of storymode.

23. South Side Bell R2R - Located insdie the tunnel building transfer over one of the arches with the bells.

24. Theatre Arm R2R West High - Using the quarterpip on top of the theatres west arm down to the ramp below.

25. West Exit R2R Tight - Transfer across the street at the west exit by using the 2 street level quarterpipes.

26. Theatre Stairs East R2R - Locate across the street from the horse statue transfer over the stairset leading into the theatre area.

27. Theatre Stairs West R2R - Locate across the street from the horse statue transfer over the stairset leading into the theatre area.

28. Big Organ Side Stage R2R High - Ride along the top of the theatres west arm towards center stage and air fromt he quaterpipe down to the quarterpipe on the ground to the left.

29. Down The Horses Spine! - During paul rodriguezs 540 flip the horse statue ollie off of the small kicker into a acid drop on the QP on the other side of the horse statue.

30. Founders R2R East Big - Just like the founders r2r east lil gap except do it the oppisite way.

31. Founders R2R West Big - Just like the founders r2r west lil gap except do it the oppisite way.

32. Over The 20 Set! - Ollie down the big starset in front of the museum.

33. Rooftop Arch Manual - Located in the tunnel building manual from one arch to the other.

34. Steeple Lip - Located in the theatre area do a lip trick on the pointy edges above the QPs on either end the the theatre.

35. Theatre Arm R2R West Low - Approach the main theatre stage and turn to the right. transfer from the quarter pipe near the periphery stage up into the roof of the arm.

36. Tower Jump - Located across the street from the tunnel building climb up onto the towers and do a acid drop down to the QP below.

37. West Exit R2R Loose - Located at the west exitr transfer from the quarterpipe by the skateshop over the street and land on the farthest quarter pipe.

38. Atrium Gap! - Air across the atrium over the tiled roof at the front.

39. Big Organ Side Stage R2R Low - Do the oppisite of the big organ side stage r2r high.

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