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1. Eliseys Tour - Grind the U shaped benches and ollie directly into a grind onto the center planter.

2. Arch Transfer - Do a spine transfer over the red arch between the gum building and lenins tomb.

3. Ledge Hop - Grind between any 2 ledges.

4. Middle Level Lip - Do a lip trick on the middle ledge of the gum building.

5. Necropolis Grind - Grind the black curb around the bleachers near lenins tomb.

6. Over The Stairs - Transfer over the stairs of the gum building across from lenins tomb.

7. Planter 2 Stairs - Grind the ledge of the u shaped planters on the other side of the large arch and leap from the ledge into a grind on the handrail leading down towards the arch.

8. Rail Hop - Grind between any 2 rails or fences.

9. Andrews Photo Op - Lip trick on the pipe above the QP's near the armory.

10. Antons Transfer - Use the QP's near the armory to transfer over the staircase leading down fromt he plaza where the statue of lenin is.

11. Basil 2 Stairs - Grind off the back eave on st. basils cathedral and land in a grind on the circular steps that wrap around the lone spire.

12. Big Red Lip - Do a lip trick on the big red wall.

13. Bleachers 2 LeninGrind the bleachers towards lenins tomb and ollie off the kinked end up to a ledge on top of lenins tomb.

14. Blind Drop - Spine transfer out of the gully surrounding the domed roof over the red wall and down into the alley below the lenin statue. perform the spine transfer near the rust stain on the rooftop to line up between the gutter pipes below.

15. Blocked Alley - Transfer over the alley of the gum building.

16. Break On Through - grind the ledge of lenins tomb near the bleachers and ollie off the end and jump through the window landing in a grind on the rail inside.

17. Bridge Cross Over - Grind the ledge of the bridge near the armory and transfer into a grind on the ledge on the other side.

18. Cannon Air - Transfer over one of the cannons.

19. Catherine The Grind - Hop into a grind on the rooftop edge of st. basils cathedral near the blue spires on the side facing the gum building. From this grind ollie up into a grind on the edge just above this one while mantaining a grind in the same direction.

20. Christs Air - Grind the rails on the green roof of the 2 story L shaped church and kick off the raised end of the rail and land in a grind on the rails atop the towering white church.

21. Church 2 ChurchGrind the church ledge just above the cracked bell and pop off the end of the ledge and land in a grind on the L shaped church in the other corner of the area.

22. Church Lip - Do a lip trick on the roof of the smaller church in the middle of the plaza.

23. Communication Lip - Do a lip trick on the roof of the communication building.

24. Confounded Bridge - Use the sloped walls of the armory to transfer up and over the bridge.

25. Control The Media Control The Minds - Do a spine transfer over the sattilites on top of the communication building.

26. Crazy Ivan - Hop into a grind on the rooftop edge of st basils cathedral near the blue spires on the side facing the gum building. from this grind ollie up into a grind on the edge just above this one and grind off towards the center of the cathedral. This ledge will loop back towards the half pipes.

27. Criss Cross Crash - Grind the u shaped cable strung across the roof of the church to the left of the communications building and transfer the grind on the cable back to either of the rails on the green roofed portion of the building in the corner.

28. Domed - Do a spine transfer from the gulley surrounding the dome on the roof into the bowl under the glass of that dome.

29. Double Drainage - Grind between the 2 pipes on top of the red arch between the gum building and lenins tomb.

30. F&%king - Follow the directions for the no gap and ollie out of the grind on that short curved peice of scaffolding into a grind on the scaffolding to the left.

31. For The Mother Land - Combo a grind across the 3 tanks nearest lenins tomb. best performed coming out of the necropolis grind and heading towards the gum building.

32. Govt. Bomb - Grind the roof edge of the building with the dome on it away from the armory and towards the church in the center of the square. Ollie off the edge of the roof and land in a grind on the ledge near the steps.

33. Gum Dropped - Grind the highest ledge of the gum building towards the large red wall with the arch and air off the end of the ledge and into a grinf on the furthest and highest planter.

34. Gumed Up - grind the middleor bottom ledge of the gum building and pop off the kinked portions of the ledge to air into a grind on the ledge overhead.

35. Illumination Grind - Grind the entire length of the christmas lights stretching from the top of the red wall over the gate to lenins tomb.

36. Kick Me 2 Church - Pop off the end of any ledge and land in a grind on the rails atop one of the churches in the plaza.

37. Ledge 2 Rail - Grind between a ledge and a rail or fence.

38. Lenin 2 Bleachers - Do the oppisite of the bleachers 2 lenin gap.

39. No - Follow the directions of the christ air gap and grind across the rail towards st basils cathedral. Ollie off the end of the rail and land in a grind on the short scaffolding on the tower to the right.

40. Oktober High - Grind from the bicycle racks to the upper portion of the statue of lenin.

41. Oktober Shuffle - Transfer a grind sideways between any adjacent ledges near the lenin statue.

42. Olegs Transfer - Transfer up and over the subway entrance near the armory. Use the QP's beside the phones.

43. Parliament Pole Vault - Boneless off the orange ramps in the gulley alongside the dome atop the government building and air up and over the top of the flag. Its possible to grind the flag while going over.

44. Peter The Gap - The same as the catherine the grind gap but ont he side of the cathedral nearest the large red wall.

45. Pipe Stall - Do a lip trick on either of the pipes above the big red arch between the gum building and lenins tomb.

46. Rail 2 Ledge - Grind between and rail and ledge.

47. Rasputin Returns - The same as the crazy ivan gap but on the side of the cathedral near the red wall.

48. Red Spired Lip - Use the stone ramps behind the bleachers to leap into a lip trick atop the tall red building with the numerous spires.

49. Stairs 2 Planter - Do the oppisite of the planter 2 stairs gap.

50. Threading Basil - Grind the middle or upper ledge of the gum building towards st basils cathedral and ollie off the end of the building into a grind on the edge of the cathedral curving left towards the lone tower.

51. To The Other Side - Do the break on through gap and grind through the building through the window and land in a grind on the railing of the dome.

52. Top Level Lip - Do a lip trick on the upper most ledge of the gum building.

53. Towering - Grind the rail atop the roof of the church in the corner of the plaza next to the communications buiilding and air into a grind on the railing around the spire on the same church.

54. Way! - Follow the directions for the no and f&%king gaps and quickly ollie off the end of the second scaffolding to land in a grind on the railing on st basils cathedral. Hold the grind for the gap.

55. WWWEEEEEEEE! - Grind a complete gap around the railing surrounding the dome in the plaza near the lenin statue.

56. Eternal Propaganda - Lip trick on the satallite dish atop the taller of the towers on the roof of the communications building.

57. Gettin High On Lenin -Grind the highest bleacher and pop off the end into a grind on the uppermost edge of lenins tomb.

58. High Lip Do a lip trick on the government building by the cannons.

59. Mig27 Bombing Run - Grind the white ledge of the tower above the gate and air into an acid drop into the half pipe.

60. Over The Wall - Use the small QP with the face painted on it and do a spine transfer over the big red wall.

61. Parapet Stall - Do a lip trick on any of the parapets atop the big red wall.

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