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1. Bench Hop - Located under the freeway do a grind between 2 benches.

2. Bowl Transfer - Located in the hotel area do a spine transfer between the 2 bowls.

3. Breakwater Hop - Transfer a grind between any of the breakwaters out in the ocean.

4. Chainlink Transfer - Transfer into the area with the chainlink fence by either transfer fromt he QP to over the fence tot he other QP or do a spine transfer over it useing the QP at the other side.

5. Ledge Hop - Grind one of the ledges of the big surf hotel and transfer across the break in the ledge near the entrance into a grind on the other side.

6. Planter Pop - Located across the street fromt he off the walls area transfer a grind between any 2 planters.

7. Rail Hop - Transfer a grind between any 2 rails or fences.

8. 88 Bowl - Transfer the third righthand kink in the side of the wallow canal.

9. Air Bowl - Transfer the first righthand kink in the side of the wallow canal.

10. Awning Hop - Transfer between the awnings of the pink palace hotel.

11. Banyan Tree Grind - Grind the branch of the big banyan tree with the metal thing around it.

12. Bench 2 Rail - Grind the branchs near the mural under the freeway and hop into a grind on the short curved fence leading into the concrete half bowl park.

13. Big Tree Transfer - Do a spine transfer over the trinket place sign in the market.

14. Branch 2 Branch - Transfer a grind between any 2 branchs above the international trinket place.

15. Grab A Branch - Located inside the market air up the QP by the psychics hut and do a lip trick on the branch above it.

16. Kayak Hop - Transfer a grind from the ledge of the hotel across fromt he pink palace hotel landing in a grind on the volleyball net then jump over to the kaya in the water into a grind.

17. Park And Ride Pop - Do a grind on the wire above the wavy roofand jump into a grind on one of the bus stop huts

18. Rail 2 Bench - The oppisite of the bench 2 rail gap.

19. Surfs Up - Grind between the surfboards in the beach area.

20. Tube Bowl - Transfer the second lefthand kink in the side of the wallows canal.

21. Wavy Roof Hop - Grind the ledge by by the bus stop and jump off the kinked end of the ledge into a grind on the wavy roof.

22. Welcome To Wallows - Transfer over the QP by where the 2 cars are parked into the wallows area.

23. Big Surf Suicide! - Spine transfer off the edge of the big surf hotel rooftop intot he QP on the side of the hotel facing the pink palace.

24. High Lip - Air off the QP's surrounding the base of the big surf hotel and lip trick on the ledge above.

25. KalaKaua Gap - Air off the kicker on top of the big surf hotel and land on the roof of the wavy roof building across the street.

26. Nuthin' But Net - grind the ledge of the hotel then jump and land in a grind on the volley ball net.

27. Off The Walls Manual - Manual the length of the off the walls area.

28. Off The Wallas Manual Rewind - Manual the length of the off the walls area then back again.

29. Off The Walls Transfer - Transfer between the concrete barriar down into the QP of the off the walls area.

30. Pink Pad Manual - Located by the big banyan tree with the metal thing around it do a manual on the pink walkway beside it to the other end.

31. Pink Palace Entrance - Grind between the rails of the pink palace hotels entrance.

32. Pink Roof Transfer - Do spine transfer onto or off of the roof of the pink palace hotels entrance.

33. Planter Grind - Grind all the way around the yellow planter in front of the big surf hotel.

34. Pool Drop - Located on top of the big surf hotel do a acid drop down into the poll below.

35. Ludicrous Spine 1 Of 4 - Air off the roof of the big surf hotel onto the quarter pipe on the street below.

36. Ludicrous Spine 2 Of 4 - Use the speed from the ludicrous spine 1 of 4 gap and spine transfer up onto the roof of the hotel with the wavy roof.

37. Ludicrous Spine 3 Of 4 - Spine transfer off the roof of the hotel with the wavy roof onto the QP near the park and ride bus stops.

38. Ludicrous Spine 4 Of 4 - Spine transfer the small wooden spine near the park and ride bus stops.

39. High Wire - The grind you do when you do the high lines goal in chapter 15 of the story mode.

40. Holy Hotel Hop! - Located on top of the big surf hotel launch off the kicker and land on the roof of the entrance tot he pink palace hotel.

41. Wallows 3 Bowl Combo - Located in the wallows area start from the top and transfer down each side all in one combo.

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