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The Last Days

The Apostle Peter said (ACTS 2:19b) in the last days there would be BLOOD, FIRE and PILLARS of SMOKE.

On September 11, 2001 (or 9/11=911=emergency) we saw a gruesome example of the fulfilment of this scripture when the terrorist's planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. We saw the BLOOD from the thousands who died; we saw the FIRE from the explosion and we saw the PILLARS of SMOKE rising from the ruins.

The Apostle Peter said that when we saw these things comming to pass, the bloodiest War of all time was near! That's right, the war of Armageddon, which ushers in Christ's second return.

The people who perished on 9/11 were ushered into eternity instantly. Some People were found with thier fingers melted to their computer keyboards. They never got another chance to get right with God. They either went to Heaven or Hell in an instant. They never got to even spend their 401k's. They never even got to take their shoes off that night; the coroner had to do it.

Are you ready for ETERNITY? The bible says that God has made the only way for a person to go to heaven, and that way is to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. This includes saying a short prayer and then with God's help turning away from everything the bible calls sin.

Pray this prayer out loud as sincerly as possible. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, please come into my heart and make me a new person! I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead and I confess you as the Lord of my Life. Please fill me with the holy ghost and heal my body and soul, Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Now that you are a born again child of God it is critical that you start attending a good full gospel church in your area. You can find one in the phone book or at the following links.

Rhema Church List

Full Gospel Church List