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Nokia 3530 Rock-switching buttons

Rating *****_ _

Large Text

Disadvantage Only WAP connectivity



Tech Specs

Screen size:95 x 65 pixels (4096 colours)

Dimensions:118 x 49.5 x 17 mm

Weight with battery:110g


Nokia finally takes its 3000-series phones into the realm of color screens. The 3530 has less resolution and larger text than the 6610, 7210 or 6100 models. However it has a groundbreaking message counter that tracks the number of messages sent and received.

Although the icons are retained in the first level of the menu, the second level has regressed a little by not displaying the entire list of second-tier submenus available to each of the first-tier menus. The material of the screen also seems to have a lower resistance to scratching.

Unlike previous Nokia models, the 3530 uses translucent blue plastics for its power button and its side panels. When in use at night, the entire phone glows with the color.

The 3530 has a hidden lanyard hole located beneath the power button. You can find this hole by removing the back cover and lifting one side of the power button’s rubber. Lift the side nearer to the ‘N’ in the imprinted Nokia.