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Aladisna Logo

Welcome To My Website

Sun Rise

As the Sun rises, so shall your time
within my website begin...

Sun Set

As the Sun sets, so does your time
within my website end...

**Warning - This Site is Under Constant Construction and Re-Construction**

**Disclaimer - I take no credit for the pictures on this website,**
**if you recognise a picture on this website as your work,**
**please e-mail me and I will either take it down**
**or give credit to you upon request - thank you**

I also warn you that some of the content of this site
may be offensive to some viewers or inappropriate for some viewers.
It is not my intent to offend people so please do not hold it against me.
I also warn you that some of this content may be considered of adult nature
I take no responsibility for any effect the information here-in has on
I have put this site here as an informational, educational and entertainment tool.
It is to be used at the viewers own discretion.

**The following Fonts will be required to view this page as the designer has intended it.**
Also, You will need to have Javascript enabled to experience all of the features of this website.
Please also note that this website is best viewed with Internet Explorer 6.0, Any version of Internet Explorer or other Web browsers of a previous version number may not be able to correctly display the Style Sheets used to display fonts on this web-site, I'm sorry for this inconvenience.
I hope that at a later date I will be able to post a link to view this same website using the FONT HTML tag so that all fonts are correctly viewable using earlier versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator.
Please also note that I reccommend viewing this website with a pixel setting of 1024x768, This website will work with other pixels settings, I simply reccommend this setting for best performance while viewing this site.
A last reminder, If you're using a modem slower then a Broadband Cable/LAN/DSL connection, please be patient...Some of the picture files on the website are a little big and may take some time to load on slower connections, I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, but I think the pictures make the site look a little nicer and I hope you will too, please enjoy.

**Click Here - Email Aladisna**