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Smokey's Website

Smokey's Website

      Hey Peeps, it's me Tom, and I've been busy again. As you know, Summer is almost over, and I haven't done as big of a revamp as I've been meanin to. One thing that I just got today I think you'll really like though. I got a webcam, so now as long as I'm online you can see what I'm doin! The only problem is when I'm offline you can't see what I'm doin. Also, if all you see is a blank screen, that means I'm changin or sumthin and I've closed the "privacy shutter". You can go visit it HERE. Well, other than that and the buttons, nuthin exciting has happened.
      Once again I need to tell you if anything is wrong with my site, or you think it needs to be changed, then just tell me and I'll try my best to fix it. Well, I guess I'll ttyl.

Stay Kool,


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