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Avon & Candles to beautify you, and your home

Let me begin by telling you a little bit about my home business.....I am a stay at home Mom and full time student. I started this business, because of the wonderful offers that are available with both the candles and Avon. First, let me talk to you about my candles....Aromalight Candles are the most amazing candles ever made. Candle soot can not only ruin your carpets and draperies, but the black ring around your candle jar is very unattractive wouldn't you agree? Well aromalight candles burn clean! they are made with soy wax and not paraffin wax, this means less airborne particles and harmful contaminants..2nd...The new soy wax is TRIPLE SCENTED, just one candle will fill your home with scent!...3rd....No wire core wicks. Aromalight only uses all natural wicks with no wire core...4th....The soy bean used to make the candle wax are grown right here in the U.S. Most paraffin waxes are refined from oil imported from overseas, which does not support the U.S. economy or American farmers. I support the American farmer, and by using aromalight, SO DO YOU!...5th.....If you ever spilled a paraffin wax candle you will appreciate this fact: Our candle wax is bio-degradable and water soluble, YEP, you guessed it...spills are easily cleaned up with a little soap and water. So if you are not completely convinced yet, that aromalight offers the best candles on the market, well I have another important fact for you....Aromalight prides itself on the fact that they produce the longest burning candles made anywhere, their new soy wax burns 50% longer thatn paraffin. Soy wax burns at a much cooler and slower rate than paraffin. You will get more candle for your money with aromalight and it is guaranteed! Here is an itemized list of Aromalights wonderful scents. (ones marked with asterisk* are the hottest selling scents.) French Vanilla*, Rain shower, Baby Powder, Lemon poundcake*, China Rain*, Freesia Breeze, Cinnamon Stix, Sugar Cookie, Spiced Pear, Cucumber Melon, Mulberry Mist, Mountain Lake*, Perfect Peach*, Fresh Cotton*, Fresh Flowers*, Vanilla Walnut*, Macintosh Apple*, Hot Apple Pie, Mountain Berry*, Red Rasberry, Strawberries and Cream*, Caribbean Breeze, Pet/Smoke Odor Neutralizer*, and Plumeria Aromalight offers 3 sizes to choose from: 7 oz.=$7.00, 13oz.=$12.00, 16oz.=$15.00, Aromalight also created a NEW candle...Their ONE and ONLY Color changing Candles...You know...The ones you been hearing about. Currently available in 4 scents with 2 more soon to come: Watermelon, Mountain Lake, Cheesecake, and blue Rasberry. Please feel free to email me with your Avon or Aromalight Candle orders, If you send me an email with your address, I will mail you information on my latest specials, brochures, and updatesOn both Avon and Aromalight. Thank you for visiting my page and I hope you come back soon. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

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