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tl Welcome To Shawn's Mame Roms v70 Play Real Arcade Games At Home!

New to mame read this. Why spend hundreds on big bulky expensive arcade machines get mame. Mame is an emulator. Emulation is the simulation of sillicon chips or integrated circuits used in a hardware system using computer software. This doesn't just mean games systems or computers, technically you could emulate anything with a chip or circuit in it if you had enough information. An emulator is the software used to perform emulation of the hardware used by a system. What an emulator does is to simulate the chips on an arcade or computer system board and use copied original rom or disk images to run games. Because an emulator uses rom images which are extracted straight from the original system, nearly all of the software that it runs is 100% perfect to the original. This means that in an arcade game for instance, what you are playing is exactly what you would see on the original machine, the gameplay, the graphics, the music, all of it. So yes this means play them at home on your computer!!!!!!!! So in short mame is a program that runs images sucked out af an arcade games pc board and allows you to run those images or (roms) on your computer almost 4000 to date and building!!!!!!!!

Here I offer all the mame roms 4000 and building! including all the updated artwork, sound samples, chd files, icons, flyers, and any other files needed for mame. I do not include the mame program on the disks but you can always get the latest version on the M.A.M.E Program link or I can e-mail it to you. I charge $21.00 and if you live outside the United States you must add $4.00 so you total is $25.00, Yes I ship anywhere. I am only charging for my time cdrs and shipping I am not actually charging for the roms. Feel free to Email me with any questions. I also ship all orders the next business day. I am not a scam and have plenty of satisified customers so do not think twice about ordering you will receive all your mame items!!!!

Ordering Information

Please when ordering make sure to include all your address information! Also make sure to use MAME ROMS in the subject line.


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