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It all started out as a high school fad, Six of us joined together for some free highschool gigs, benefit shows, and some did it for the extra grades. After graduation, we separated for a while to pursue our studies, some of us continued to play professionally here in Olongapo City, some of us played with another band overseas.

The year was 1999, by chance two of us who played abroad came back to our hometown, not knowing that our old bandmates was planning to bring it back to life once again, only now, there is something different, many songs have been made, and at our bands disposal.

We started again like any band would, back to step one. We planned on having gigs locally, here in Olongapo City, and the acceptance is very warm. Then came a manager who took us from our hometown, gave us gigs in Manila, Laguna, Batangas up to the Visayas region, She forgot one thing, our main goal is to share our own music to the people.

We came back to Olongapo City doing front acts for some of the artists who have made it to stardom, then another manager came, nice gigs, nice talent fee, but as time goes on, we noticed that we are being exploited.
We quit.

We came back to our hometown with only our pride. But we kept on going, many things had happen, its either someone is going to have a child, someone will be parted from his son, someone will be separated from his wife, someones mom is dying while he's still playing, and another ones father needs to get hospitalized, and it all happened at the same time,
But we faced it together.

We are still here because we had a good foundation as a band, friendship ,loyalty and one goal. We may not be what you expect, but we are what we really are, yes we do play some covers, but only until our original songs get noticed. 

We are not your typical cover band, we we're not handpicked by any manager to become a group, our image is not manufactured, all we can offer is good honest to goodness music.

This is not a Band Profile, This is our story, Not many bands has a story to tell, simply because, it was so easy for them to get in, and here we are, still 
Struggling from day to day, just to get a piece of the spotlight.

We are still aiming to be known with our own songs, not somebody elses', but if playing cover songs is a part of it, so we will.

We are Paraiso, and so the story goes....


After recording OPM songs, we are now planning on recording an all-english project for 2003.

Some of the songs are: "How Much Love", "More Than Words Can Say" and "For You I will".

We plan to perform out of the country for a while and hopefully, gather enough funds to record our project there.
To all independent album producers, ANRs and record labels, you can hear our demo songs at the music section of our website.

We are looking forward to signing up with you.

To all our local followers, thank you very much for your support!

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