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The Future

With the advent of tourism, however, the inevitable question presents itself of how the island will react to this latest wave of cultural influence. Many of the islanders, attracted by the wages available to them in the hotels, restaurants and shops, have left their sleepy villages for a more modern way of life. It is striking to observe that, so far, these people do not visibly differ from their agricultural counterparts and still maintain the same basic attitude and philosophy, which seem to be almost second nature to them.

For example, many of the young Balinese who turn to the cities for remuneration do so in order to provide the family with extra income to help educate their younger brothers and sisters or to put a son or daughter through university.

Basically, whether they work in the tourist resorts or on the land, the Balinese are humble and often poor, aspecially by Wester standards. In contrast to the avarage standard of living, however, they posses an outlook and generousity of spirit of the most civilised and sophisticated type, which often inspires great admiration in visitors from the modern, bustling metropolises of Westernised society. Most of tourists very quickly warm to the sunny, hospitable nature of the Balinese and regard them with the respect that they deserve.

It is to be hoped that, true to the Balinese inheritance, they will absorb the positive influences of tourism, using the money it brings for the benefit of the community. In keeping with their spirit of reciprocation, the Balinese can offer the tourist a new appraisal of the values of life; an appreciation of the simple best.

Teaching is something that takes place only when learning does. No matter what the teacher is doing in his classes, if his students are not learning something significant, he is not teaching. When the student fails, the teacher has failed more.

Teacher: "What do we call a person who goes on talking long after others have lost interest in what he says?" "Teacher!" said a student.

Contributed by Youth Monthly, Taiwan, to The Reader's Digest, February, 1983.

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