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    More reading on Bali :

  • Baum, Vicky. A Tale of Bali (novel). Oxford in Asia, paperback.
  • Belo, Jane. Trance in Bali. New York; Columbia University Press, 1960.
    A provocative and thorough study of ritual trance in Bali Hindu ceremonies, including photographs of trance mediums.
  • Bovell, John The Storybook of Bali. Self-published using recycled paper, 1997.
  • Coast, John. Dancing out of Bali. London; Faber and Faber Limited, 1954. A story of the author's experiences with the Peliatan Dance and gambelan troup which he took on a highly successful tour through Europe and the United State in 1952.
  • Covarrubias, Miguel. Island of Bali. New york; Alfred A. Knopf, 1936. Bali's classic. A wonderfully written book giving many insights to the Balinese, their outlook on life and their fascinating society.
  • Draculic, Nikola and Bajetto, Max. Bali. The Hague. W. Van Hoeve, 1952. A sensitive portrayal of Bali through the eyes of a photographer.
  • Dutt, Romesh, C. (trans.) The Ramayana and the Mahabharata. London; J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1910. A poetic tranlation of two great Hindu epics.
  • Friend, Donald. The Cosmic Turtle. Carrol's Australia and P.T. Bap Bali, 1976.
  • Goris, Dr. R. Bali cults and customs Jakarta: The Goverment of the Republic of Indonesia. A book by the leading archeologist exploring Bali's culture from ancient times to modern movements in art and music
  • Hanna, W. A. Bali Profile; People, events, Circumstances (1001-1976). American Universities Field Staff 1976.
  • Hiss, Phillip Hanson. Bali. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1941. A well integrated text and photo book by a photographer who sees the Balinese as the happiest people in the world.
  • Hoefer, Hans Johanes. Bali Insight Guides APA Publications (HK) LTD., 1988.
  • Holt, Claire. Art in Indonesia: Continues and change. Ithaca: Cornell Universities Press, 1967. A penetrating study of the variety of arts in Indonesia, featuring a chapter on Bali's artists and dynamic art style.
  • Indonesian Department of Information, 1987. An official Handbook.
  • Kempers, A. J. Bernet. Monumental Bali: Introduction to Balinese archeology and Guide to monuments. Den Haag: Van Goor Zonen, 1977.
  • Ketut Tantri, Revolt in Paradise. New York: Harper and Row, 1906. A fascinating autobiography of an American woman who came to Bali and was adopted by Radja (king) Later she joined the Indonesian revolution to fought with the people she was devoted to.
  • Mason, Victor. Silih dali Tale of Bali. Hongkong: South China Morning Post, 1975. Another delightful combination of humorous verse from the author of the Haughty Toad with pictures from the artist Dewa Putu Mokoh. The story of Silih Dali is told here for all children-at-heart, and especially for those who love animals, birds, and bees, as well as Oliphaunts and Heffalumps.
  • Matthews, Anna. The night of Purnama London: Joanthan Cape, 1965. A tale of the disastrous eruption of Gunung Agung, Bali's sacred mountain.
  • McKie, Ronald and Bernay, Beryl. Bali. Sydney: Angus and Robertson Ltd., 1969, An enjoyable book on the author's travel in Bali, the people he meets and the stories he hears.
  • McPhee, Colin. Music in Bali. New Haven, Conn" Yale Universities Press, 1966.
  • Moebirman. Wayang Purwa. The shadow Play of Indonesia. The Hague: Van Deventer-Maasstiching, 1960. An Indonesian schoolar's obsevations of the shadow theather in Bali and Java.
  • Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. The History of Java. Two volumes. London: The Hon. East India Company,1817. A rare book on Java's past, with revealing references to Bali with many fine etchings.
  • Ramseyer, Urs. The Art and Culture of Bali. Oxford: Oxford Universities Press, 1977.
  • Rhodius, Hans. Walter Spies (maler and Musiker auf Bali 1895-1942): Schonheit und Reichtum des Lebens. Den Haag: L. J. C. Boucher, 1964. A collection of paintings, letters, and notes by Walter Spies, the German painter and musician who loved Bali and lived here for ten years.
  • Tanah Air Kita.The Hague and Bandung: W. Van Hoeve N. V. The most inclusive photographic and descriptive book on Indonesian Islands.
  • Shadeg, N. A basic Balinese Vocabulary. Denpasar; 1977.
  • Wagner, Frits A. "Bali", Indonesia,: The art of Island Group. Art of the world series. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1959. An illustrated survey of the arts of Bali within the context of Indonesian art.
  • Wertheim, W. F. (ed) Bali: Studies in the life, Though anf Ritual. The Hague: W. Van Hoeve, 1969. An informative series of essay by leading Dutch schoolars who researched on Bali, its religion, temples, festivals and villages.
  • de Zoete, Beryl and Spies, Walter. Dance and Drama in Bali. London: Faber and Faber Ltd., 1938. One of the most beautiful books written on Bali, relating its dances, legents, and mythology with deep understanding for the Balinese people and their dramatic arts.

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