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Tired of shady deals and bogus servers well this is the FTP for you.
You have just taken the first step in obtaining your very own copy of Longhorn M4.
They're two options you have in order to move on to the second step in obtaining your copy.

1) Blackcomb = Full Access granted
2) MSN8 Cracked = Full Access granted
3) Nothing = Purchase credits to download the Longhorn Package for ($25.00)
                       which includes the activation crack and a copy of Virtual Machine
                       Workstation 3.1.1 with serial to test your copy of Longhorn M4
4) Continue your quest = Faith (Send me a link please)

Step 3


If you don't have a high-speed internet connection forget it;
The FTP is not online 24/7 due to the tremendous response..

email me at Intelaquest with the option that best describes your status..
Please, no attachments..

Brought to you by me, Enjoy..                                 

drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..
drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..
drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..
drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..
drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..
drag longhorn images folder to directory with readme.html to view screenshots..