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white shoes and mega earphones

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So what is up with the white shoe craze and the mega headphones????
It seems that now a days, if you wanna be cool, you gotta have the white shoes. Most prefer the phat farm, nikes, k-swiss or the brand with the three strips (adidas). But seriously does this society consist of nothing but white shoes?? Ok i'll admit, i have been sucked into this world too, owning a pair of really nice white nikes (gasp!). But seriously, it takes a lot of effort into keeping those shoes white (5 months now). The supposedly whitening cleaners don't work and so i'm stuck on the pavement, fearing to venture into anything that could be a hazard to my shoes. And when i do go there, boy you should see me walk.
So is it really worth all this trouble just for a pair of white shoes. Some say yes, other no. It just depends if you an maintain that whiteness without being peed off. It really sucks if your shoes turn black, but i've seen it happen. However, if you can actually take care of the shoes, they look super nice.
So here's a solution to all your decisions, make black shoes the new fashion style, it saves a lot of energy in keeping them clean and black makes everything slimmer right? Onto other things...Another thing that i am seeing now is the new fad of huge speaker-headphones that guys just hang over there necks and not on their ears like intended (near the ear area doesn't count as ears, people!).
I have no problem with this except it doesn't drown out the unwanted sounds comming out of the contraption. So i will say this once and for all. Earphones are personal devices to be used personally and not shared with the other 20 people in a classroom or in a bus. If you want your music to be heard bring a radio, because if you're wearing headphones i expect to not be able to hear the noise comming out from them. So please be considerate of other peoples better music tastes.

Anyways, i've updated the angel spoilers and books.Raindrops keep falling on my head...owwww.
Queen TAmmy ruler of tammyland and all nations...with edison as her man servant. <--that's edison!!!!! =P

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