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Lorinda finally gets webspace!

Who on Earth is Lorinda anyway?

Lorinda (That's me) is an outspoken member of several online communities, you probably found this site through one of them.
If you didn't, and quite possibly even if you did, you are most likely in the wrong place and should look to see if any of my interests match yours. If they don't you will probably be bored here.

My Interests

This is my first attempt at a website, please bear with me while I learn how to construct it. To see what I have learned so far, click below

Lorinda Learns!

I finally sorted out my guestbook. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions, but no swearing please, Angelfire won't like it.

Sign my Guestbook and leave comments!

Read my Guestbook!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Site started: 26 August 2003