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^---this is me last year

ok first i wanna mention My very best friend in the world....Jensine ...shes been there for me through everything i mean thick and thin BBFL and Jen ur pretty no matter wut n e one says*mUaH*

Next is Haley, Jens sister...we've had our good times and our bad times but ull always be one of my best buds no matter wut *LyLaS*

Court, u have to be one of the nicest people iv ever met...u do wut other people want instead of put ur friends first and u were always a good friend:)

Next imma mention Guy my cuzin...he dont live here n e more but wen he did we were best friends we were even in the newspaper together:)

Ok so now imma mention Malorie we were best friends for like EVER then we got in this big ass fight and now we r close again :) *BFFL*

Danielle Nelson WAS my best friend then we got in trouble and he sent me mean e-mails and stuff so wutever...she hates me and i hate her

Next is my cuzin Josh...or at least i think we re cuzins....n e ways hes the best ever...he said if i lived there he would take me to parties and stuff...gotta love him *MuAh*

well thats all imma write cuz im to lazy to write more but ill be adding more later...tell me if i forgot u

imma get pictures of all my friends since they r all so pretty