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Today in the bumming world

Today in a bumming world we have an agenda of sitting and sleeping, for everyone needs there sleep and than some.The simpson are on daily so you should watch it. For Homer is a bum.That is all to day fill in the details with your creativity if you have any.

Commonly asked questions

-Do I have to do all the stuff on the agenda to be a bum? Answer: This question has been pondered for years since the agenda was created and the answer is yes. To be considered a true bum, you have to look at the agenda every day and do every thing on it for at least one hour. Of course as you know I am the king of all bums and is the laziest and chosen one. Since I am so lazy the agenda may not be changed because I am to busy watching tv or other bummish things. Does that answer your question . NOW GET OFF MY BACK!!!!!

-How do I become a lazy bum?Well you go through a very long and difficult process of asking me if you can become a lazy bum. If I think you have what it takes to become a lazy bum than I simply accept you, if I don't I make you write a long essay about why you should be one. Me having you write this essay means I think your a terrible person.