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The Lazy bum advice column

Every good web site has an advice column and this is ours.It will be done in a Question:Answer form.

Q:I am having trouble with dating and you, the almighty one who knows everything about everything, what can I do to get a girl to go out with me?

A:Well as I know not all of us can be as skilled as me, and so for all the inferiors out there. Make sure if your going to ask someone out for a dance ask them early, from my expeirience they are more likely to say yes. As I know, not everyone is imortal like me and so you can;'t just ask a girl anytime like I can and expect a yes.

Q: I am upset with my body. I am gaining to much wait. What can I do about eating to much food, oh great one?

A:Well that is a simple question. Send them to me.

Q: Why are so smart and why do you know everything?

A:HMMM.. It's a secret.

Click here to ask for advice and please do not take any of this stuff seriously