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This league was designed for the most competive and active managers out there. I feel that Ive done a good job of finding those managers so I dont feel like this league needs a long list of rules. But the ones that I feel that are important to the league have been listed below.

1. When discussing ideas on the message board with other managers, Id prefer it if you didnt use profanity. I feel its not needed in the league, because some managers dont approve of it. I dont care what goes on through instant messangers but no profanity on the message board please.

2. Everything that happens in this league is through a majority vote. If you feel that trade or anything needs voted on then bring it to our attention by posting a message and allowing us to know that you are concerned with the situation that is occuring.

3. Very simple. Stay competitive and active through all rough times and no matter how your team is performing stay with it and dont give up. This is a keeper league and if you dont do as well as you would of liked just remember you always have next season to go for.

Roster Rules

1. Your allowed as many roster changes as you want over the course of the season. The only catch is that your only allowed changing players for players that were on your original franchise team. Just post any roster changes you want done on the league message board and I the commissioner will take care of them.
(EX. - Yankees cant drop Mike Mussina to Add Ken Griffey Jr.)

2. If you do choose to drop a player that wasnt a part of your orginal franchise team for a player on your original franchise team. Then you will lose all rights to that player. If he isnt on any other team in the league then he will just be a regular free agent, and become part of the next draft. But if he is a part of a team in the league then that team has all rights to add him back to their orginal franchise roster.
(EX.A - If the Chicago Cubs drop Kevin Brown, he will lose all rights to Brown, and Brown will become a free agent and be entereted into the draft considering the Dodgers arnt a part of the league. EX.B - If the Athletics drops Francisco Cordero, he will lose all rights to him, and then the Rangers will have all rights to add him back to his original franchise roster.)

3. If you drop a player from your original franchise team and while he is not on your current active roster he is either traded or dropped to another team in the league they have all rights to add that player since he is now no longer a part of your original franchise team.
(EX. - Rockies drop Gabe Kapler, if he is either traded or added by the Red Sox they have all rights to add him.) That actually happened in our league.

Starting with the 2004 season, after debating we will no longer allow trades to take place once the regular season is over and the playoffs are starting. We got opinions saying that trades during playoffs are wrong and that a team should go through playoffs with team that got them there in regular season. This take effect in 2004 season.

Pending Trade Rule

Alright after we completed a majority vote on this topic in the league we have come to obey by a new rule for the league. That is that if a pending trade that has been accepted and is pending has not received any negative comments or vetos on the league overview message board it will be sent through by myself the commish. If a pending trade as gotten negative comments or vetos then the trade will be required to wait the time period or to be voted on which ever decision is made first. Also the only thing I ask of this rule is that the managers involved in the deal just one of them post the time and day of which the deal was accepted that way I can send the trade through on the exact time if there arent any vetos towards it of course.