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Shu-Ho Jujitsu Renmei is a group of martial arts clubs started in 1979 by Sensei Colin Elgie. It has several dojos located mainly in South East London and North Kent.

Shu-Ho Ryu Jujitsu is a modern practical martial art with powerful self defence capabilities but is taught with reference to the traditional Budo spirit of calmness and inner peace.

If you are interested in joining or just watching a session please follow the Instructors link which details the training times and places of each Shu-Ho instructor. If you wish to know more about our training methods and philosophy of the group follow the Shu-Ho History link.

Shu-Ho Jujitsu also teaches children where, although the emphasis is on enjoyment, physical and mental skills are developed in a proper atmosphere of respect and discipline.

As well as jujitsu Sensei Elgie also teaches Arakimunisai Iaido




This page was last updated on 10/24/03.