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Now that you have learned what a huge choice it is deciding where and who you want to live with when you go away to college, fill out this questionnaire and see if you answer it how you would have answered before taking part in this iAdventure.

  1. Will you live in a dorm or off campus if allowed?
  2. Will you live with someone you already know or someone you are placed with?
  3. Will you have to work during school?
  4. Will you participate in lots of extra curricular activities or sports?
  5. Will you be serious about your studies or more so about your social life?
  6. Will anyone you graduated with be attending the same college as you?
  7. Will you attend a college extremely far away from home?

Believe it or not all of these questions have a huge impact on your life and really determine the type of person you can or cannot live with. Compare these with the answers of other classmates, you may be very compatible with someone you never would have dreamed of. Finally, assess these answers for yourself and explain in a page whether your thoughts on this topic changed and what you learned from other classmates and this iAdventure.