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You mean so much to all of us Jack

You are special and that's no lie

You brighten up the darkest day

And the cloudiest sky

Your smile alone always warms hearts

Your laugh is like music to hear

I would give absolutely anything

To have you well again.

Not a second passes

When you're not on our minds

You are a fighter jack

Please dont"t ever give up

Many tears I have seen and cried

But your the one that seemed

To always make things so much better

i wish everyone could have a Brother like you jack

Love you always Jack for ever and a day

your sister

Norma Jean


Gather the pebbles throughout the years, hidden

within the sand.

Discarding most, Treasure a few, hold gently in

your hand.

And with the right stroke, you will find there is One,

That shows a faceted face.

Sparkle of Diamonds, softer than petals,

enshrouded in pristine lace.

Call it a Gemstone, call it a Jewel

Polish it gently, 'til End.

Some call their find Treasure,

Some Treasure their Find.

I Treasure the One I call my Brother!

Jack I love you with all my heart

You have always been here for me

We share both good and bad memories

The good ones i hold close to my heart

Please Jack don't ever give up

I love you my brother, Your loving sister Norma

This page was written and created bye Dena

Norma my friend please keep smiling cause every

time you do there is someone smiling back