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Skilled Worker's Organization

over average

over range

technical total

technical average

speed total

speed average

charisma total
The charisma of all the workers total.

charisma average
The average of all the workers charisma skill.

brawl average
The average of all your workers brawl skill.

brawl total
The total of all your workers brawl skill.

sells average
Average of the sell skills of all the workers on your roster.

sells total
The total of the sell skills.

stiffness average
The average of your stiffness skill of all the workers.

stiffness total
The total stiffness skill of all the wrestlers on your roster.

technical average
The average total of the technical skill of all your wrestlers.

technical total
The combined total of the technical skills of all your wrestlers and non-wrestlers.


event history average
This is both ppv and television quality averaged out.

feud heat averageness
The average heat from all of your feuds both minor and major.

feud heat total
The amount of heat generated on all of the feuds.

Morale Average

Morale Range

Condition Average

Condition range

gimmick balance

alignment balance

Income Saver

income over expendenture
This is the amount of income divided by the expedenture.

wage average
The average wage of all the workers in your organization. This is simply both your development, unactive, and active roster. This calculated with the workers total wages and the amount of workers(non-wrestlers, wrestlers, etc.)