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  1. Chargers
  2. Cardinals
  3. 49ers
  4. Claymores
  5. Eagles
  6. Bills
  7. Redskins
  8. Thunder
  9. Chiefs
  10. Giants
  11. Falcons
  12. Broncos
  13. Titans
  14. Rams
  15. Seahawks
  16. Raiders
  17. Steelers
  18. Browns
  19. Colts
  20. Bears
  21. Dolphins
  22. Bengals
  23. Ravens
  24. Saints
  25. Packers
  26. Jets
  27. Patriots
  28. Bucs
  29. Jaguars
  30. Lions
  31. Panthers
Week 7
AFC Players of the Week

Michael Vick

18-25 276 yds, 6 pass TD's

Warrick Holdman

8 tackles, 6sacks recovery

NFC Players of the Week

Donte Stallworth  

5 receptions 169yds, 2 TD's

James Farrior  

2 tackles 2 int's

Game of the Week 8
Bills are atop the AFC east, the Skins share the NFC lead. This is bound to be a good game. I think the Redskins for the second week in a row pull it out with a 27-21 win

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