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news 10/5/2003

Ok, some news on the band:

  • We've got an assignment coming up fo music. all goin well.
  • We're playing "Anthem for the Year 2000" the great Silverchair song.
  • We're gonna start working on "Blurry" by Puddle or Mudd soon.

    We'll get the tabs from >Taborama once again.

    Thats about it for today. I'll get some good stuff up within the next week. Gorrie.

    news 7/5/2003

    Welcome to my website. Its a bit shit atm, I know. Give me a week or so. It'll get better. I'll whack some tabs and shit here for the band ;) Anyway, thats it for now. Some Tab sites in the mean time are:


    Tab Mall (Stus fave ;)) More to come later. Gorrie