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Get ready for a pop quiz.

A. Do you consider yourself:

    1. Good Looking
    2. Semi-Attractive
    3. Ugly

B. Are you:

    1. Working (does not include selling stolen roses on the street corner)
    2. Unemployed
    3. Homeless

C. Do you:

    1. Own your own vehicle
    2. Ride the Metro
    3. Ride bicycle
    4. Walk

D. Do you consider fun as:

    1. Going out and doing something legal yet wild?
    2. Going out and doing something illegal and wild?
    3. Playing Nintendo and watching The Bold and the Beutiful re-runs?

E. Is your drink of choice:

    1. Karjala-beer (Tuborg is also OK.)
    2. Manhattan
    3. Fernet Branca
    4. Cough Syrup

F. Did you graduate:

    1. Between the years 1968-1989
    2. Between the years 1990-1996
    3. Can't remember

G. Are you looking for:

    1. Friendship, Penpal and Fun
    2. One Night Stand
    3. Date Rape

H. Do you:

    1. Have a sense of humor
    2. No sense of humor
    3. barely breathing

If you have answered 1 to most of the questions, hell, I'll take a couple of 2's, you can e-mail me at any time.