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News of the site:

29.07.07 - Heh, the site hasn't quite gone the way of the dodo yet. Added a glitch I've been sitting on for over a year for Donkey Kong Country 2.

22.01.06 - A very late Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you all. Just added some Mario 64 Beta stuff. If anyone's wondering about the lack of activity it's due to the fact that I'm in the middle of exams that will determine what university I get into, which is taking priority. For christmas I got Taito Legends on the Xbox and have been playing Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands furiously. If anyone has any interesting stuff for either game, send it in.

7.11.05 - Added a cool Halo 2 glitch from Clark Beyer. Also added 3 Knights of the Old Republic glitches and 2 Starwars EpIII: Revenge of the Sith glitches from One_must_fall.

4.11.05 - Added a glitch and video for Power Stone 2 on the Dreamcast.

21.10.05 - Added a couple of great glitches for Super Smash Brothers.

24.9.05 - Added a few Jak 3 glitches from One Must Fall.

6.9.05 - Added a couple of glitches, one for Mortal Kombat, and one for Mario 64 DS. Keep them coming people.

5.9.05 - Added a cool little glitch for Super Mario Land on the GameBoy. Also added a pretty well known glitch for Mario 64 DS.

4.9.05 - Did some good work on the site today. I split the Mario 64 page into two sections to make navigation easier, I also added the two recently revealed glitches; "Invisible Mario" and "Under Big Boo's Merry-go-round". Good stuff.

1.9.05 - Hooray. I've finally got a new copy of Microsoft FrontPage. You know what that means? Updates baby. I'm gonna start with adding the new glitches found in Mario 64. Then move on to anything you guys feel like sending in. I think I might also start a new section called 'Classic of the Week' in which old-school, famous glitches are discussed. Also added a couple of new links.

24.8.05 - Bleh. My life has been mental the last few months, with exams, computers dying on me and all sorts. The good news is, I passed my exams so they're letting me back in school for another year, the bad news is that next year will eat up even more of my time and I STILL haven't got all the necessary programs I need to update the site, meaning putting updates up (like this one) take more effort than I'm willing to put in ;-) I do, however have three really cool Mario 64 glitches to keep you tuned in; How to make Mario completely invisible, how to access a hidden floor beneath Big Boo's merry-go-round and a tiny secret area in Rainbow Ride discovered by Curtis Bright. I'll update the site with these glitches soon. I promise. Catch you on the flip-flop.

28.5.05 - WOW. OK, I found an amazing website just now, from the creator of, it's It's about tricking and glitches for ANY CONSOLE, ANY GAME. Hopefully, this will be the new one-stop shop for glitches. Man, I love it already and I've only just signed up!

24.5.05 - WE'RE BACK BABY! Man, the delay has been longer than I thought. Over two months. Many apologies for that, I'm doing my best, unfortunately updates probably aren't going to get any more regular since I'm in the middle of exams at the moment. Since the last update I've added a new board to the forum about movies, so check that out. Also added some links in the links section (that's where they go right?). Hopefully more content will come for visitors to the site as I have literally no free time to look for glitches myself. IF YOU'VE GOT 'EM SEND 'EM IN! p.s. 20,000 hits! That's cool. Also cleared out the backlog, check out what's new in Starcraft, Half-Life, Mario 64 DS and Mario Sunshine. Over and Out.

21.3.05 - OK, finally cleaned out my backlog of submitted glitches, so check out what's new in Vice City, Mario Advance 4, Zelda: 4 Swords, and check out the classic 'Minus World' glitch from Super Mario Bros. one of my all time favourite glitches. Of all time. Yep, there's no school like the old school. In other news, Bungie (the studio behind Halo 1 and 2) are soon releasing an update for Xbox Live which will make many glitches on the site obsolete :( More news as it comes.

14.3.05 - wow, two updates in a row. Added a new link, and added some good stuff for Soccer Kid (aka Kid Kleetz) on the SNES.

13.3.05 - I'm really sorry for the delays everyone. I'm really having difficulty keeping my head above water with all the school work I've got at the moment, I've been really stressed for the last few weeks and haven't had time to do much of anything. However, I'm putting it all behind me and I vow to start updating the site at least once a week from now on. Hopefully I'll have some good stuff for you in the near future, and of course, don't forget to keep sending in your glitches, its what makes this site as useful as it is. Oh, and for everyone asking me to fix links, it'll happen, slowly but surely. As for updates today, I added the to the links section. Feel free to send in any glitches you know for DS and PSP games (or the PSP hardware ;-), although I probably won't get either for a while, I'm already hearing of some cool glitches for the DS. Does anyone know of any for WarioWare? And in non-site related news, my MSN is acting up, does anyone know of a good alternative that will allow me to use my MSN contacts without them having to do anything? Over and out.

17.2.05 - Anyone who has been reading the gamefaqs SM64 forum will already know what this update is about. Me and Brightguy combined moves to bring you one of the weirdest glitches for Mario 64 seen so far. 'The Chuckya Glitch' allows you infinite coins in Wet-Dry world, allows you to collect a new capless/cannonless star (!) and tons of other weirdness. 

23.01.05 - Since I haven't done anything for the site in ages, I thought I'd give you guys a little treat and reveal some of my glitch fatalities for Mortal Kombat II on the SNES, check them out in the glitch section. If you can pull one off in an actual match the person you're playing against will be SUPER HUMILIATED'D.

22.01.05 - Many apologies for not doing anything constructive for the site, I haven't even touched a video game in the last week, and it looks like the weekend won't be much better. I added some more Ratchet and Clank stuff from Colacked_Dude. I'm also ready to announce that I have put a hidden page up, linked from somewhere on the site, it's been up for a while but no-one seems to have found it so far (I'm sure it won't take you guy's long now). As an extra incentive, I've put a description on there of a Halo 2 glitch that you can use to really ruin some kid's day on Xbox Live. Happy hunting!

11.01.05 - Updates! Added some stuff to the SM64 Beta section from TrJ_22487, a Links awakening glitch from AmberAlmighty, SM64 glitches from mEgAsHoT and Piet Stokman. THUG glitches from Glitch Gamer. Some Ratchet and Clank glitches from cloaked_dude. And a Halo 2 from Nick. More to come in the near future.

12.12.04 - Added some kingdom hearts glitches and a link to the past glitch from 'Cloaked_Dude' and added a Halo 2 section with a few cool glitches (one submitted by Clark Beyer). 

6.12.04 - Added a bunch of new screens to the SM64 Beta section. All from Zidapi. I'm getting round to the rest of the stuff I need to update.

18.11.04 - Wow, is this site still here...? Joking! I haven't forgotten about it, I've just been really busy... y'know... with school and stuff... No, I can't lie, I've been playing Halo 2. Finally got round to updating the site though, added a Kingdom Hearts glitch submitted by Cloaked Dude, who also submitted the classic Missingno. glitch for Pokémon Red/Blue. Get ready for the upcoming Halo 2 section, anyone who's been around the Halo fan sites you'll know that there are a ton of tricks readily available to us all, mostly because instead of locking the game down tight, Bungie have pretty much given us free reign to explore all the levels, even going so far as to hide little easter eggs out there for us. More on that in the Halo 2 section. 'Till next time. 

25.10.04 - Added a bunch of descriptions for the glitches in Psycho's new THPS3 vid. Added a few new glitches for SM64 submitted by Chris. A Pokémon G/S/C glitch submitted by Cloaked Dude. Also added a new Vice City glitch that I just discovered today. I also added a new Halo music video called 'Brothers in Arms' it's (probably) my final tribute to Halo before Halo 2 comes out. OK, ciao for now. 

15.10.04 - CHOCLAIR5 brings you two, frankly amazing, Super Monkey Ball videos. Check them out in the Misc. section. Psych0 submits a new THPS3 glitch music video, just as impressive as his first, check it out in the Misc. Section or the THPS3 glitch section, where you can also find a new glitch from CHOCLAIR5. Till next time.

5.10.04 - Finally got round to posting the update I've been promising everyone. Psych0, CHOCLAIR5 and Wal Race 64 continue their dominance of the Tony Hawk's games by submitting a bucket load of THUG glitches. Also, Wal Race 64 submits a weird little glitch for Super Monkey Ball. As always, let me know if I've missed anything, I've got this weird feeling that I have...

25.9.04 - Added new Halo vid. Check it out in the Misc. section.

19.9.04 - Added a great new THPS3 music vid from Psycho. You can find it in the misc. section, with descriptions for all the glitches on the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 glitch page.

18.9.04 - Added another MM3 music video. And added some Simpsons: Road Rage Glitches, discovered by Glitch Gamer. Also added 2 more methods for the Out of Highway glitch, by CHOCLAIR5.

7.9.04 - Added a new Midtown Madness Glitch Music video, along with a bunch of glitch descriptions for MM3. More to come...

5.9.04 - Added more glitches, a couple of major ones for Medal of Honour: Frontline from Psych0. One for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from CHOCLAIR5. And one for Mario 64 from ToiletDuck64. Also added a major glitch for Midtown Madness 3.

1.9.04 - Added some more Dave Mirra glitches thanks to CHOCLAIR5, along with a vid, also added a California Speed glitch video from him. New GTA III glitch from CHOCLAIR5 and Wal Race 64 along with vid. New Vice City glitches from Chris. New LoZ: 4 Swords glitch and a Super Mario Sunshine glitch from Gamepro 2407.

31.8.04 - Oh just to tell you, I've just set up my brand spanking new Gmail account. So from now on, direct all emails to , thankyou.

31.8.04 - Well, finally, all the vids are back up, thanks to the huge generosity of Sdkess from I hope I don't choke his bandwidth, I don't think I will, he's serving up much larger files to probably a lot more people. Anyway, if you get a chance drop by his site, it's truly amazing. Anyway now that that's all sorted I can finally get back to adding the new glitches people have sent me, if you sent me something recently (glitches or vids) and it hasn't gone up, please post in the forums to remind me, the back catalogue is pretty hard to keep track of.

9.8.04 - This is an update to keep everyone who doesn't frequent the forums up to date. New glitches for Dave Mirra's Pro BMX 2 (Thanks CHOCLAIR5) Super Mario Sunshine (From CHOCLAIR5, Myself and Deathborn668) Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (From CHOCLAIR5) Halo (from TriPleBT21 and Alek) Monopoly PC (Alek again) THPS3 and 4 and Wolverine's Revenge (From Glitch Gamer) I think that's it... Also, the vids are down at the moment, due to my host having some hardware problems, hopefully it'll all be sorted out soon enough.

23.7.04 - Added a small glitch to the Mario 64 section, and added an observation to the Mario 64 Beta page, both sent in by Chris. I also add a full description for a MAJOR new glitch in Super Mario 64, if you've read the forums you'll already know the root glitch, but you won't know the weird glitches that result from it. Check them out.

20.7.04 - I opened a forum for the site today, so sign up and support it. And to celebrate I added a cool new glitch for Super Mario 64 in the announcements section. Check it out.

18.7.04 - Another massive update today, added new stuff for Earthworm Jim 3D, Halo, Mario Sunshine and Dave Mirra's Pro BMX 2 (from CHOCLAIR5 and Alek Radenovic) and added videos for EWJ 3D, SSX Tricky, Banjo Tooie and California Speed (courtesy of CHOCLAIR5 and Wal Race 64). Check it all out. I also made a music video called Super Monkey Ball Shortcuts, which does exactly what it says on the tin.

10.7.04 - Massive update today (I also have some more stuff pending) Added glitches for Super Mario land 2, F-Zero GX, Banjo Tooie, Earthworm Jim 3D, Super Mario Sunshine and Sonic the Hedgehog. Submitter were Wal Race 64, CHOCLAIR5 and Mike. Thanks a lot. P.S. Almost 6000 hits!

3.7.04 - Another update, added a vid for the upside down sprites glitch for Sonic the Hedgehog, also added a new glitch for StH. Also added two new glitches for Super Smash Bros. Melee, along with videos.

3.7.04 - Added quite a few glitches today, two for Sonic the Hedgehog, one for LoZ: Oracle of ages/seasons, one for California Speed, one for Pokémon Gold/Silver and one for Bloody Roar: Primal Fury (GameCube). Glitches submitted/discovered by Wal Race 64, CHOCLAIR5 and Nick. Thanks guys.

26.6.04 - End of exams today, and that means time for an update. Added glitches for Perfect Dark, Link to the Past, Halo, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64 and LoZ: Four Swords Adventure. From Mike, C. Skeavington, Clark Beyer and Wal Race 64, thanks for the glitches guys. Also updated the Mario 64 Beta page with a new find (lets just say, the whole issue just got a lot more animated).

22.6.04 - Just updated in a spare moment, all those waiting for me to add submitted glitches may have to wait until Friday but they'll be up. The Aquarium Glitch is in, check it out in the Super Mario 64 section. Also added a link to Speed Demos Archive, a great site with tons of speed runs for all sorts of games.

17.6.04 - I just received some terrible news about fellow Halo trickster Juggertrout, I talk to him regularly on MSN and count him as a friend, if he decides never to play Halo again we will have lost an extremely talented player. Juggertrout, if you get a chance to read this, I really hope you get better soon and manage to get your life back on track, you have my condolences. Get well soon.

15.6.04 - Just some tweaks here and there, added a couple of sites to the links page. I'm in the middle of exams at the moment, so don't expect a big update until after the 25th.

5.6.04 - Added a new article in the Misc. section all about the Beta versions of Super Mario 64, it includes quite a large amount of information and some rare screenshots. I have also discovered quite a major glitch for Super Mario 64 that allows you to walk around inside the Aquarium, no GameShark required! (check the glitches section for screenshots) However there is a catch, I'm not going to reveal this glitch until the Super Mario 64 board on GameFAQs starts picking up, so make your way over there and post damnit!

1.6.04 - More glitches for XIII by me. More glitches for Super Monkey Ball 2, Earthworm Jim 3D, Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX 2 and Banjo Tooie by CHOCLAIR5 and Wal Race 64 (along with some videos). Also added a video for one of Wal Race 64's SSX glitches.

28.5.04 - Added some videos for the Super Mario Sunshine glitches, also added a video for CHOCLAIR5's Dave Mirra slide glitch and a vid for his THUG glitch, a new Dave Mirra Glitch and a glitch for Banjo Tooie. Also added some glitches for SSX Tricky discovered by Wal Race 64.

26.5.04 - Huge update today, added a new section for XIII, a highly underrated game in my opinion, with a glitch that'll help you win those tough online multiplayer battles. Also added some videos for CHOCLAIR5's Dave Mirra glitches. So get moving and check them out.

21.5.04 - Added some more glitches for Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX 2, all discovered by CHOCLAIR5.

18.5.04 - Added some glitches for Mario Kart 64, along with videos.

16.5.04 - Added a major new glitch discovered by me in the Super Mario 64 section that allows you to beat the game with just 16 stars! Also added a bunch of glitches submitted by CHOCLAIR5, for Super Mario Sunshine, Tony Hawk's Underground and Dave Mirra's Freestyle BMX 2, and added his video for his C Button Glitch for Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Also updated the links section with a couple of new sites, if you know of any sites devoted to glitches that you'd like to see in the links section, drop me a line.

8.5.04 - Big update today, mostly thanks to CHOCLAIR5 who submitted a bunch of glitches, for Earthworm Jim 3D, California Speed and Super Mario Sunshine. Again I urge you to send in any that you know of my address is so drop me a line. I also added a couple of cool glitches for Super Mario 64 so check them out too. In other news I'm looking for ideas for more one-liners for the title bar of the site (currently it's one of my own 'Itching for some Glitching') so send in your suggestions. Preferably they should be witty and related to glitches in some way.

29.4.04 - All videos are now online, get 'em while they're hot!

24.4.04 - Updated the glitches and music videos sections, but there will be no videos until fleebo is back online, sorry for the inconvenience, I really can't do anything about it. If you're itching for some glitching why don't you dig out your old Mega Drive/Genesis and give some of my Sonic glitches a go, I'll add more as I find them.

4.4.04 - Well, I seem to be on a roll. Not only have I discovered a new glitch for GTA:VC (to be revealed when fleebo comes back online) but I pulled off a brand spanking new trick on Halo. You can find it in the Halo section, with a working video thanks to a temporary Angelfire link.

31.3.04 - OK, fleebo is down currently so no video updates today, but I have actually done a bunch of stuff. I made a new Halo music video showing off me and my partner in crime, Patty, on XBox connect. I also discovered a new glitch in Vice City which I've never seen before. But unfortunately you'll have to wait and see what it is... the tension mounts! I also have to get round to adding a couple of more Halo glitches: Climbing out of Battle Creek and a Pelican glitch in Assault on the control room.

24.3.04 - I forgot to update the news section when I updated the site yesterday, so I'm doing it now. I added yet another Halo music video, Death From Above, check it out in the Misc. section. I also updated the GTA: VC section with two more glitches. OK, see you later.

16.3.04 - New section of glitches, GTA: Vice City! I've already got two glitches in there, but expect more soon. Check it out won't you? Also added the Out of the Maw exploration in the Halo section.

13.3.04 - New Halo music video up in the Misc. section. Grab it quick.

11.3.04 - That new music video is up for the time being so grab it from the Misc. section before fleebo goes down again. I've already got two more music videos in the pipeline, one Halo and one GTA: Vice City. So watch this space.

10.3.04 - Gah! Fleebo is down again! If anyone wants to suggest somewhere I can host my videos PLEASE drop me a line. Anyways, I fixed the menu so now you can see it all in Internet Explorer. (On some PCs the bottom was being cut off). I also completed a new Halo music video (man I love that game) called Happy Happy Halo Highjinks. That's alliteration my friend. But obviously you can't see it until my vids are back up. It includes lots of messing around in multiplayer and such.

2.3.04 - OK, the videos for the glitches I added below are up so watch said NOW! I also added a new link in the menu to the left, Contact. So click on it and send me an email.

26.2.04 - I added a bunch of stuff today, some glitches for Halo and a Midtown Madness Music Video (a new one). However, there are no videos up at the moment 'cos has gone down and they host my vids, so be patient and everything should be back to normal soon.

13.2.04 - Added a new music video, it's based around the 'Top of Silent Cartographer' glitches.

10.2.04 - Added some Goldeneye glitches. And fixed some broken links. I've also found lots of new glitches for Midtown Madness so I'm gonna make another music video for that, send me your suggestions for a soundtrack, why don't you?

9.2.04 - Added Halo Legendary ending, and the weapon switch glitch for Halo. Also added a Midtown Madness music video. Everyone have fun!

28.1.04 - New Halo section online. By the by, if you have Xbox Live, add me to your friends list if you want someone to play, my tag is "Dom Dunc" obviously without the quotes. I have Midtown Madness 3, XIII and TopSpin.

24.1.04 - Put up the videos for the Sonic Adventure Glitches.

16.1.04 - Happy New Year everyone! It's a bit late I know but I've been busy OK? Anyway, I got an Xbox at christmas so expect some glitches for that. (I've already discovered two cool ones for Midtown Madness 3) I also got a video capture card for my PC so all future vids will be of higher quality. Well there you go, keep surfing.

22.12.03 - First build. Not released to public yet.