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******This Page was made back in like erm....5 or 6 years ago? So uh, if its under your standards than well, you can um go F()K Yourself. Anyways Enjoy!!!

About what i think about life

in what ways do things turn out the way you want them to... most of the time things fall apart right before your eyes..... is it fate or destiny.... things that you can work for and try to keep up to your expectations will soon fall there is no truth behind any curtain....... if one time you can picture yourself finding the girl or guy that you have always wanted to be your bf or gf and they dont really have the same ideas about you...... most of the time people dont understand the way your mind can work.... most of the times the reason you never get what you want is a mystery

Poems that i wrote (Metaphors for life)


some days when your life may seem gloomy and dark when times dont really meet what your expectations of life, when at some times your heart may drop your spirit feels weak and you just want to sit and rest and wonder how your life will turn out, when your life feels like a storm, when you feel like its always raining, at times loud thunder will suprise you in life, winds would make it hard to keep walking down the road of life, but what will happen when the skies clear and all you can see is light blue sky and you look behind you and you see the storm, the storm that you have just gone through, and you feel that life has taken weight off of your shoulders...... when the storm has passed you by everything will seem better.

The Wind

as the wind blows by you, in some ways you feel better but you feel worse, what could this feeling be telling you that something greater is coming or maybe it is just a feeling that you have had before, as time progresses the wind may become stronger and it becomes difficult to walk so you must push harder against the wind that tries to keep you in place and tries to push you back, but the only way to keep this from happening is just try harder and use your goals for what you believe in, only then will the wind start to let down and the path will become easier to walk on.... at times life may seem to hard to bear but you must push on until it passes you by.

End Less Roads

When your life continues you walk down a road, at times there may be obstacles in the road you have to get by, just like in reality there is always something keeping you from getting what you want, at times it may seem that we cant go on or that we cant get by anything but the road may split into different directions and you dont know which way to choose, only your thoughts can lead you through the roads that may split and they never end, but at one time you may come to a dead end in the road of life and that only leaves you with one choice death.... but what if there was a way around death there always is by taking a different route in life.


Tears only fall when you feel a deep need inside yourself to express what your feeling when it becomes to much to bear, at times in life your tears may fall unending because your heart may have been broken or you may have lost something dear to your life, tears are something that we have that shows how we feel in some situations, tears of joy, tears of sorrow, and also tears of pain, at times we may never know if we do cry, because of one of these reasons, your tears may sparkle as they roll down your cheeck and fall to the ground, only to lay still on the ground, reasons that we cry are only to the person that is the one shedding their tears, reasons may not be said but only noticed....


sometimes time goes by slow and it goes by fast, at times we get to count the years, but at times we cant really count the years because there is no one left to count the years with, and in time the years pass by without notice, and the feelings you had for the time go lower and lower, until the years arent even a matter to you anymore because with all the people that you know are gone, and as time slips through there is nothing left to count because when your by yourself there is no reason.... when your left alone in time and no one is there for you is there a reason to count the years?


at times beauty will mean different things, to you it may mean a person close to you, but to me it is, i will not say but if you read this you know understand who im talking to, beauty cant be confined to a couple of definitions it has so many meanings, just like the real world does, but what makes a word so significant, what makes the world so significant, because the earths beauty can only be compared to itself, the same is with the very special person, her beauty cant be compared to any one else, although seemingly similar to reality, it is an unknown distortion of reality that is misrepresented as our blind reality.


when we have been lied to, trust is the last thing in our mind that we want to give, trust can be broken easily and it is never easy to get it back, trying to earn trust may only make matters worse, the more you try and the more you may have to lie, some things in life cant be lived with, knowing that one person doesnt trust you can tear you apart inside, your beliefs in concience and reality will fall apart right before your eyes....

A continuation of this site many years after it was first created. I Returned to the site to replace the lost time as well as the indignation that so reaps itself over the indifference of time.


An ability to which belongs only to those seeming to be trustworthy yet only to have the infedelity to deal with such comprimises. The thought to have such an ideal seemingly only to be a lost thought that may end in sorrow and dissappointment as the tragedy seems to lurk throughout our life. It is a misrepresentation of the emotion that we only can bare trust with. As we hold the ideal close to our hearts we begin to understand as the reality becomes one with our minds. It is an understanding that ends with nothing other than sorrow. Leaving our lives with such foreclosures seeming to end the life in itself. Yet leaving the place where it once layed in your mind empty. Leaving it hard to replenish such thoughts. As it may seem it is only a matter of time until the time reveals the truth. Most of our lives are a parody of which this is true. Yet, it is of our hearts to believe that it will never come to such terms, so we may always believe that it will not happen, and yet when it does we may blind ourselves to realize it and confide in our own vanity...


The beginning of all of sorrowful and tragic intentions of which bear all of the negativity that we may possess. It is a form that takes hold of our minds when our spirit becomes weak. It is a type of endless vortex that floats in the depths of our minds taking in all of the wrongful things that are seen and done by us. We try to contain this form by misplacing so many emotions yet only adding to the sorrow. As we add to this it slowly begins to take hold of our ideals, and thoughts of being. Soon it that holds our hearts in its realm as though we are being taken into darkness. The time that we begin to realize this is when we see our own tears, and understand why our sorrow speaks through our face rather than through our actions. As the tears and emotions burn through the cover of which we try to place in front of our lives falls and others see our distress they may only have thoughts of empathy or pity. It is not recognizable until the true emotions are placed in front of our own eyes. And until than is when we start to believe.

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