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News about Derrick

Derrick's 10th Grade Pictures

Derrick's going to NCSSM!

NC School of Science and Math is a private (state run) high school only available to the best students. It is extremely hard to get accepted into. Derrick finished his 10th grade at Asheboro High with a 4.0 unweighted GPA (4.5 weighted with honors classes). The average SAT score for students entering NCSSM is 1400. Derrick was slightly under average. Derrick made up his mind to apply early this year and we are VERY PROUD of him!!

Derrick's Acceptance Letter
NC School of Science and Mathematics Website & Info

Moving Day, August 9, 2003!

Derrick's building, room and roommate

Various buildings on site

The Former Watts Hospital, now the visiting center and check in area

Email Derrick