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The following files are all Mp3's...enjoy

[SND] The Hey Man Song
[SND] McQueeny Demands The Funnel
[SND] Newman & I create "The Nonsence of Wild Thing"
[SND] Kate on vocals & Me on guitar for a drunken version of dMb's "#41"
[SND] Kate & I do the worst version of dMb's "Say Goodbye"

The following downloads may be disturbing to some people.
For those who do not know the story, here is the DL. Jason Beckerman (the tall Jew) decided if he lived home first semester of junior year his sinister plot of ruling the world would be easier to accomplish. 2 things resulted from this: 1, we realized that Jay really is a bagel biter, and 2, we received a new roommate that we soon dubbed “Stinky.” Some of "Stinky's" favorite pastimes were talking to himself while taking shits and looking at Pilser to see if he was sleeping so he could start masturbating. As we went on day after day in agony, and listening to Pilser bitch, we soon found a use for this disgusting piece of human. Now I am not condoning what we did nor am I celebrating it…well yeah, I guess I am. The following are edited clips of “Stinky” engulfed in rage as we tortured him with silly childish antics. Unfortunately, there were no video cameras available to capture classic moments such as Phil dangling the pewk-soaked mop over his head when he showered, me cutting his hair numerous times, & Shoopec accusing him of being the president of NAMBLA. However, the 18 audio clips below do represent the built up anger he unleashed on us while we drove him mad one Thursday night after a long session of heavy drinking…enjoy.

[SND] 3 'O Clock in the Fuckin Morning
[SND] Fuck with the Peeing on my Head
[SND] Fuckin Idiots
[SND] Get Out of Here
[SND] Get Out of My Room
[SND] How They Gonna Know I'm doin Drugs
[SND] I Beg to You Please Leave Me Alone
[SND] I hate Screaming at You
[SND] I'm Gonna Kill You
[SND] I'm Really Gonna Call Security
[SND] Matt don't You Understand I have a Class at 9 in the Morning
[SND] No, I Don't Like Yelling
[SND] Now Get The Fuck Out, Fuckin Now
[SND] Pilser, Please
[SND] Tomorrow is Friday September 26
[SND] Tomorrow is Friday You Idiot
[SND] Why the Fuck You Wanna Pee on Me?
[SND] Tomorrow is Friday You Idiot

In the end, a select few of us received judicials. The charges:
1. Personal Harassment.
2. Disruption of Roommates’ Rights.
3. Conduct on campus that interferes w/ Rights of Others.

The verdicts: Not Guilty, Not Guilty, & Not Guilty.

-The kid couldn’t prove anything…God Bless America.

“Stinky” moved out 2 days later. Pilser could sleep at night again, but now Shoopec & I have nothing to do when we come home shit faced but break stuff. So we break stuff. About a week after the departure of our good friend a new specimen moved. But that’s another story for another day.

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