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 Presentations & Workshops For Mathematical Sciences Students

Academic Year 2011 // 2012
By Mubarak Abdessalami


         Surveying, analysing and evaluating before approving and adopting whatsoever ideas the students are confronted with, is what has to become our educational paradigm to bridge the gap between theoretical methods at school and the competitive concrete life out there. I say this because most students draw a line between what they study at school and their daily life. Moreover, many of the ideas at the reach of the youth are not innocent at all, so they need to be equipped with knowledge and skills enough to protect themselves and eventually live a normal life. No doubt it is hard to convince youth of the validity of this perspective unless they start experiencing it. The majority believe that the studies are good only for exams.

         This academic year (2011-2012) Mathematical Sciences students have benefited from various workshops related to themes linked to their immediate and future needs namely:

  1. Redefining Illiteracy
  2. Dropping out of High School! Why?!
  3. Critical thinking
  4. Thinking outside the box
  5. Public speaking
  6. Logical Fallacies
  7. Equipped For the Future (E.F.F)
  8. Job interview! Why should we care?
  9. Job interview! Are you ready?
  10. Culture shock
  11. Google Search

         The students will discover the unknown facets of real life experience in practice. The school should normally be open to all types of the connections and currents of life. It should pave the way for the students to enter the complexities of adult life equipped with necessary skills.

         Sharing this work with colleagues has more than just a reason. The idea is to give hints, motivate and incite the teachers to enrich this experience with their expertise as well as to innovate and to be creative looking for new methods to push the learners’ cognitive abilities to higher levels of thinking and rethinking. Though the students look languorous, they sometimes amaze you with the way they identify and solve problems using scientific reasoning and critical and creative thinking skills.

         The following papers indicate that it is false the belief founded on the guess that students nowadays are unable to deal with tough subjects without the grown ups’ intervention. I hope I can make the picture clearer with this contribution.

21st Century Learning                                               E-Education