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What Is The Question?

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    * The words in bold should not appear in the question.

  1. I live in Sumatra.

  2. I'm Sixty years old.

  3. It's three O'clock.

  4. No,I can't carry 50 kilograms.

  5. I usually get up at six O'clock in the morning.

  6. I last saw "Independence Day" in 1999.

  7. That's my grandfather.

  8. I have never been to Kyoto.

  9. She drank seven cups of coffee

  10. He drank seven cups of tea.

  11. They are doing the quiz?

  12. Susan met her husband at the bus station.

  13. Susan met her husband at the bus station.

  14. Susan met her husband at the bus station.

  15. She went to the market with her son .

  16. I've been living in London for three years .

  17. He put the letter on the table so that I can see it .

  18. I'm fine thanks .

Copyright 2002 by Mubarak Abdessalami (
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