Dominant Wrestling Organization - Travesty

Mike: Welcome everyone to DWO Travesty.

Jay: We have had some technical issues this weak, but please stay tuned as we put on an awesome show!

Match 1: Rookie Battle Royal Dean Talon vs. Gual vs. Torch vs. ??

Slowly the lights fade to black. Mist and a thick fog fill the arena as lightning flashes in the background. Echoing, heavy drums and bagpipes can be heard as the Scottish Battle March begins to play. Gual strides out from backstage and walks intensely to the ring. His eyes fixated on his destination, he pays no mind to the crowd as he steps onto the apron and over the top rope. He then turns to face the walkway. As he awaits his opponent, he gazes from behind his hair, brushing it behind his ears allowing his war braid to hang in front, readying himself for battle.

Jay: Oh great…a newbie match up!

Mike: These are very talented individuals Jay!

Jay: Their lambs to the slaughter Mike!

Mike: Ha Ha yeah, that too.

The lights go out; dark blue and dark green lights come on and shine at and along the entrance area. Headstrong by Trapt plays as Dean Talon walks out and fog comes out around him. Dean steps out from the fog walking down the aisle with hair hanging down in his face. He walks around the outside of the ring, stops when he arrives at the steel stairs, looks up into the ring, and slowly begins to walk up the stairs. Once he reaches the apron Dean turns his back to the ropes, his face still hidden by his jet black hair, gazing out into the crowd, Dean turns around stepping into the ring. He stands up straight, flips his hair out of his face so that everyone can see it clearly, then climbs up on the turnbuckle gazing out at the crowd once more before dropping down, and leaning lazily against the ropes.

Mike: This is Dean Talon!

Jay: Yeah…another Goth wannabe for the chopping block.

Mike: WOW. You’re a real moody bitch when you wanna be!

Jay: I know.

Gual lunges fiercely at Talon and Talon ducks behind Gual wrenching his arm. Gual tries to make his way to the ropes quickly but is pulled back by the arm wrench. Gual steps to the side quickly and slams Talon down to the ground with a leg trip. Quickly Gual gets back up and grabs Dean’s leg for a Boston crab. Talon quickly gets back to one foot and tries for an enziguri; Gual ducks and slams his boot into Talons ham string three times before Kara warns him away. Talon climbs back to his feet and dives for Gual; Gual makes the side step and ducks behind Talon hitting a giant back suplex which turns him onto his face at the end. Gual drops the leg across Talons ham strings again but traps Dean in a submission similar to a figure four leg lock. Talon wriggles through the ropes like a pro and gets his breath as once again Gual is held back by Kara.

Mike: Gual seems to have some feint reminiscence to what kind of aggressive attitude you need to have to be successful in the DWO.

Jay: I don’t know…he can’t even fight past the referee.

Mike: Oh shut up. I’m sure he could if he wanted to.

Jay: Yah….

Talon shakes his head and rolls back into the ring. He’s very careful all of the time to stay behind Kara as she holds back Gual. Gual roars at Kara as he makes a vicious attempt to intimidate her but she shakes her head as Talon runs up behind Gual and slams his knee into Guals kidney. Gual falls to his hands and knees and coughs deeply as Dean takes absolutely no time in hitting a shuffle kick against the crawling Gual which knocks him rolling around the ring. Gual quickly gets to his feet and tears away the ring running at Talon, Dean quickly steps back however and scoops Guals mass up into the air before slamming him right back down with a hellacious side walk slam. Talon quickly rolls back wards and manages to grab Guals arm as he struggles to get back to his feet and whips him back against the ropes; eventually snapping him into a nasty power slam as he rebounds. Talon slams down onto the top of Gual with a standing splash and pulls the arm behind Guals head to make the pin cover. Kara comes down to the mat and initiates the count.

Kara: 1…2..No!!

Jay: Well that was a damned stupid move, now Talon will have to deal with two people!

Mike: What?

Jay: Well…now the next contender comes in doesn’t he?

Mike: Huh?

Jay: When an attempt at a pin fall is made the next contender for the win makes his or her entrance…it’s in the rules!

Dean Talon curses as he looks up to the ramp, his back is immediately up as he hears the beginning of the Torches music play. That however is replaced suddenly by the sound of the Torches screams as Ron Diamond appears on stage with Torch above his head. Ron rolls the Torch down the ramp and laughs as he hits the ring.

#Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies Pushing all the mercy down, down, down I wanna see you try to take a swing at me Come on, gonna put you on the ground, ground, ground.# ~~The lights around the arena go completely black as Korn – Thoughtless blasts over the PA System. Soon, red and blue lights begin to flash alternately.~~ #Why are you trying to make fun of me? You think it's funny? What the fuck you think it's doing to me? You take your turn lashing out at me I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me.# ~~Domanique then appears at the top of the ramp with Ron Diamond who has a bottle of water in his hand. He twists off the cap and takes a drink and then spills a little onto his head. He then throws the rest into the crowed and the crowd’s hands fly up as they try and grab a hold of the water bottle as they are soaked with the water that remains in the bottle.~~ #All of my hate cannot be found I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming So you can try to tear me down Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming.#

#Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies I'm above you, smiling at you, drown, drown, drown I wanna kill and rape you the way you raped me And I'll pull the trigger And you're down, down, down.# ~~Ron Diamond and Domanique then slowly make their way down the ramp showing no emotion. They, on occasion, stop to look at the crowd.~~ #Why are you trying to make fun of me? You think it's funny? What the fuck you think it's doing to me? You take your turn lashing out at me I want you crying with your dirty ass in front of me.#

#All of my hate cannot be found I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming So you can try to tear me down Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming.#

#All my friends are gone, they died (gonna take you down) They all screamed, and cried (gonna take you down)#

#I'm never (?) back against the wall Gonna take you down.# Ron wastes no time in climbing into the ring and head butting Dean Talon across to the other side. #All of my hate cannot be found I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming So you can try to tear me down Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming All of my hate cannot be found I will not be drowned by your thoughtless scheming So you can try to tear me down Beat me to the ground I will see you screaming.# ~~Ron Diamond’s music cuts.~~

Jay: Well…That was unexpected.

Mike: I wonder why he is back here again?

Jay: You’re always wondering something…Like you wanna make a conversation to break down the matches or something.

Mike: No shit.

Ron dives onto Dean Talon and pummels him with the bottom of his hands repeatedly. Ron gives a slight second and Dean rolls out from beneath him. Ron decides to turn around and charges straight back at Gual and hits a standing drop kick which sends Gual bouncing back off the ropes. Both men’s resilience is made obvious as Gual bounces straight back from the dropkick by hitting Ron with a huge clothesline. Ron rolls backwards out of the clothesline and leaps at Gual once again this time hitting a huge DDT which shakes the ring posts in their very positions. Ron gets back to his feet and begins stomping holes into Gual until he rolls out of the ring. Once outside Dean Talon measures Gual for a side kick which would have hit its mark had it not been for the arms which were in the way. Gual slams his fist into Talons face but each man gives back as good as they get. Ron grins as he runs back; against the ropes opposite to the men outside, he then gradually gains more speed and leaps over the top rope hitting a picture perfect suicide dive which sends both men crashing down against the guardrail.

Jay: Wow!

Mike: Ron seems to have a new attitude.

Jay: Obviously.

Mike: Good god you’re difficult.

Ron staggers to his feet and lands a toe kick right into the chin of a seated Gual, before following up with several very vicious closed fists. Sean Torch finally rises from his forced slumber and dives from the ring steps and plants Talon with a jumping even flow DDT. Sean kick flips to his feet ready to attack Ron, the person who forced an early knockout in the game, but instead gets the back of an elbow. Gual cleverly uses the slight distraction for his own advantage and slams his head right into the lower parts of Diamond. Diamond buckles over and Gual gingerly climbs to his feet; a little bit of blood coming from his eye as he does so. Gual grabs Ron Diamond in a vicious show of strength and jumps up to the apron before power bombing him into the ring; his head shaking violently off of the mat as he does so. Gual doesn’t follow Ron into the ring and instead chooses to pick both Talon and Torch up under their shoulders and whipping back hard before hip tossing both men through the bottom and second rope. Torch rolls to his feet and taunts Talon to get up, Ron staggers about in the corner as Gual leans under the apron and pulls out a chair which makes Ron shout Kara. Kara runs to Ron as Gual tosses a chair at Torch who is getting up, it’s too late though as Talon spears the chair into Torch and the corner, the chair slides down and Talon hits a northern lights suplex, Kara turns to see the pin made and falls down to the ground to make the pin.

Kara: 1!! 2!! 3!!

Jay: Woo hoo it’s over!

Mike: That was the first fall dumb ass!

Jay: Aaw crap! Wait…I have an idea.

Jay gets up from the announcers position and jumps up to the apron, he shouts over Kara and tells her of the cheating with the chair and Kara. Kara screams at the ring announcer something inaudible to every member of the audience.

Announcer: The referee is displeased at the result of the last call and has announced that Dean Talon has been eliminated!!!!!!!!

Mike: Jesus that guy is going to be in trouble when Talon realizes what has actually happened here.

Jay: Meh. I’m a commentator so he can do jack shit.

Mike: Just like Chryste?

Jay: Shut up.

Ron cracks his neck as he stands right behind Gual. Gual turns around and barely gets to move as Diamond slams his knee into the midsection of Gual, Gual doubles over and Diamond scoops up Gual in a double armed DDT, instead though landing Guals head on his knee. Guals head snaps back and Ron slumps over for the pin.

Kara: 1!! 2!! 3!!

Ron rolls over onto his back with a grin on his face as he spits blood from his mouth.

Announcer: Here is your winner…at a total time of 14 minutes and 2 seconds….Ron Diamond~!

Match 2: Normal Match Scott Curtis vs. Sean Quinn

Sean ducks a running clothesline by Curtis and catches Curtis for a full nelson slam. Quinn lifts up Scott and lifts him up for a stalling suplex, then drops him for a brianbuster. Scott gets up slowly, Sean walks around behind Scott and waits for him to stand up fully, Curtis gets his focus and looks around for Quinn, when Curtis turns around, Sean Quinn hits Scott with a massive spear.

Sean walks over to the turnbuckle and jumps off with a splash landing across Scott's midsection. Sean rolls over and locks Scott in an Eastern stretch. Curtis screams in pain as Quinn pulls back more. Quinn releases the move and begins to stomp on Curtis. Scott rolls out of the ring and sit on the side to recover as Sean taunts the crowd.

Sean slides out of the ring and pulls Scott up, Scott knees Quinn in the stomache and attempts to throw him into the stairs, Quinn reverse and Curtis slams into the steel stairs hard. Quinn walks over to Scott and throws him back into the ring. Sean slaps Scott in the face to wake him up. Scott shakes his head and slowly stands, Seanclimbs the turnbuckle and waits for Curtis, Curtis stands up, and Quinn jumps off nailing the Flying Q-Krusher. Sean stands up and signals for The Bloody Mary '03. Sean lifts Curtis up, Quinn grabs both of Scott's arms, crosses them, and pulls Curtis into a powerbomb position. Quinn lifts Curtis in a vertical position, He stalls for a couple of seconds and drills the Scott's head into the mat. Quinn covers Scott One...................... Two....................... Three!!!!!!!!

Match 3: Extreme Match Pola Bare vs. Regin

Jay: This is the rematch between Regin and Pola Bear, Mike.

Mike: It’s going to be a tough one to call and Kara Stone’s going to be right in the thick of this extreme action.

Jay: Well here comes Regin now

[Insert Regin Entrance - messed up my word]

[Insert Pola Bear entrance - messed up my word]

Mike: And here we go!

[Kara Stone rings the bell and moves out of the way before the action commences]

Mike: Regin has both his arms from his forearms to his wrists tied together by that rope Jay. You think this is part of his special training?

Jay: Whatever it is, it’s rather weird…I’ve never seen someone come to a contest before giving himself a disadvantage. Pola Bear will try and use this to his advantage.

[Regin moves forwards first delivering a kick to the mid section of Pola Bear who bends over]

Mike: Pola Bear is giving up near one hundred pounds in the weight category here which could give Regin an advantage but if Pola speeds up the pace we could have a very interesting fight.

[Regin follows up the kick with a large double axe handle across the back of Pola, which sends him to the ground. Regin walks away from the fallen Pola and starts to untie the ropes that were around his arms. The crowd hiss at Regin but he just takes it all in. After finally removing the rope he holds it like wire and moves towards Pola]

Mike: Regin had now got Pola choking with that rope that was around his arms. Special training my ass…more like a sneaky way of getting that weapon in quickly.

Jay: Well…you got to give credit to him…it was a smart move.

[Regin pulls Pola up to his feet and continues to strangle him. Kara moves in to check on Pola’s situation, which at the moment doesn’t look very good]


[With that low blow, Pola breaks the hold, which was taking away all his air. Regin falls to the ground holding his groin and Pola moves in. He levels Regin with a number of quick kicks starting on his legs and moving up to his head]

Mike: Lightning quick feet here by Pola and Regin is holding his head in pain.

Jay: He had to cheat to get that advantage! Mike: And what? This match has no rules you know.

[Jay shuts up at the action continues with Pola lifting Regin to his feet. Pola delivers a quick kick to Regin’s stomach and runs off the ropes]

Mike: Huge scissors kick by Pola and Regin is down…

Jay: Pola will never get the three from this…

[Kara makes the counts as Pola covers Regin]



Jay: Told you it would be easy.

[Regin powers Pola off and nearly puts him outside the ring. Pola uses his small size and speed to keep the pace high. He runs off the ropes and slides across the ring knocking Regin outside with a dropkick]

Mike: Now the action is going to the outside…this could be a bad idea by Pola.

Jay: I hope Regin kicks his ass right out here!

[Pola stays in the ring for a moment while Regin begins getting to his feet]

Jay: I don’t think Pola’s realised that Regin’s been looking under the ring…

Mike: What’s he got?!

[Regin pulls out a lead pipe and sets it down beside him so Pola can’t see and then stands up. He sees Pola running off the ropes once more and ducks when he returns for the baseball slide. Regin picks up the lead bar quickly and spins to hit Pola]


Mike: He missed and hit the ring post!! Did you hear that!

Jay: Eh?

Mike: Never mind, Pola has the pipe now.

[Pola swings and hits Regin in the midsection and then on the back of the head while he’s bent over]

Mike: Unbelievable impact. Regin could be knocked out. That was straight to the head!

Jay: Pola hasn’t finished either!

[Pola climbs up onto the apron and holds the lead pipe above his head and then places it in front of him holding it with two hands]

Jay: OMG! He’s going to try and spear him with it!

Mike: Here comes Pola!!

[Regin moves out of the way just in time and the lead pipe hits the ground and bounces back to hit Pola in the face]

Jay: Regin’s up…HUGE CLOTHESLINE!!

Mike: Regin just turned Pola inside out!

[Regin holds the back of his head as he leans against the apron]

Mike: Regin was very lucky he moves out of the way of the lead pipe or he would have been attached to our floor here in the arena!

Jay: I’m sure you would have loved to see that!

[Regin picks Pola up by his head and pushes him against the apron. He begins laying left and rights in Pola’s stomach then moves back to connect with a straight right hand to Pola’s face]

Mike: Pola looks out cold here Jay.

Jay: I hope so…for his sake.

[Regin moves around the side of the ring and looks underneath it once more, this time finding a steel chair. He brings it back around and sets it up as if he was going to sit in it. Regin then grabs Pola’s head and gets him in a front facelock. He then moves back and stands himself on the chair still holding Pola]

Mike: You don’t think do you?


[Jay talks very excitedly after Pola gets dropped with a single arm DDT that connects his face directly with the top of the chair]

Jay: Pola’s out! Ring the bell! Ring the bell!

Mike: Calm down Jay…Pola is one tough competitor!

[Regin rolls Pola back into the ring and slides back in himself. He then makes the cover]

[Kara Stone makes the count]




Jay: I don’t believe it!

Mike: I told you he was tough Jay!

Jay: He won’t be tough enough though!

[Regin stands up quickly and brings Pola back to his feet also. He moves behind Pola gracefully and grabs him in a hammerlock round his waist]

Jay: German suplex!

Mike: Pola just landed right on his neck!

[Regin moves quickly again and makes another cover]

[Kara makes the count]




Mike: And once again Pola kicks out. The fans love this.

Jay: Well I’m not!

Mike: No one cares Jay…we thought you knew that by now!

[Regin keeps calm as he picks Pola up again]

Mike: Going for a backbreaker here…

[Pola Bear somehow moves his body weight and connects with a perfect head scissors]

Jay: I don’t believe it!

Mike: What a counter by Pola Bear!

[Pola stands up with a rush of adrenaline and bounces off the ropes. He comes back and delivers a highflying elbow drop to Regin. Pola then makes the cover]

[Kara makes the count]




Jay: It was just the shock of the reversal…don’t worry Regin!

Mike: You’re the one worrying Jay…Regin’s fine!

[Pola picks Regin up and gets behind him before pushing him towards the ropes. He runs in after him and dropkicks his back, which causes him to fall down]

Mike: Regin’s hung up on the second rope and Pola’s looking towards the rope that Regin had round his hands at the beginning of the match.

[Pola moves over the rope and lifts it up. He then walks over to Regin]

Jay: He’s tying Regin up to the ropes…this is totally unfair!

Mike: Well Regin did bring it to the ring and once again…there are no rules!

[Regin’s hands now tied lies against the second rope with his neck as Pola Bear lays a number of quick kicks to his stomach. Pola then looks to the outside and slides under the bottom rope]

Mike: Pola’s looking under the ring and has found…A LADDER!!!

Jay: This is bad…really really bad!

[Pola slides the ladder into the ring and follows. He then sets it up in the middle just facing Regin’s who is still lying on the ropes trying to get out]

Jay: He’s climbing the ladder Mike…

Mike: I can see that!

[Pola makes it to the top of the ladder and looks down at Regin. He laughs then plunges down]



Mike: Pola Bear just landed a perfect splash from the top of the ladder onto a tied up Regin…and both men aren’t moving…

[Kara stands back knowing she can’t give a ten count. After a while Pola starts to move]

Mike: If he wants to pin him, he’ll have to get him untied.


[Pola didn’t hear what Jay and Mike were saying but he knew that it was time to untie Regin who still hasn’t moved a muscle. After successfully untying him the cover is made]

[Kara Stone makes the count]




Jay: He’s still alive!

Mike: That was incredible. I didn’t think he could have kicked out from that!

Jay: Well he did!

[Pola can’t believe it and stands up. He looks to the ladder again then starts to climb it. Regin still lays at the bottom using his all his strength that he has left to breathe. Pola looks down once again and leaps down trying to connect with another splash]

Jay: Regin got his knees up!

Mike: The splash attempt has been foiled by Regin. Pola could have cracked a number of ribs there!

[Both men once again lie broken in the ring both going through extreme pain]

Mike: I thought this match would have been brutal, but not this brutal.

Jay: Both men are destroyed!

[Regin starts to move first this time and makes his way back to his feet. He lifts the ladder and folds it together]

Mike: Regin’s set the ladder in the corner and he’s over at Pola now.

Jay: Big irish whip!


[Pola connects with the ladder with full force and bounces straight back into the clutches of Regin]

Jay: German neckbreaker!

Mike: Here’s another cover by Regin.

[Kara makes the count]




Mike: Pure heart being shown by Pola here. He just won’t go down!

Jay: Go on Regin…you can do this!

[Both men stand up at around the same time. They exchange right hands but due to Regin’s size advantage he takes control]

Mike: Irish whip on Pola off the ropes here

[Pola rolls around Regin and grabs him for a school boy]

[Kara makes the count]




Jay: A minute ago these two guys were out for the count and now they can’t get enough action.

[Both men bounce back up again. Regin goes for another Irish whip but somehow Pola reverses. Pola bounces off the opposite ropes and hits Regin with a clothesline]

Jay: It totally unaffected Regin!

Mike: Regin with a kick to the midsection.

[Regin grabs Pola Bear with a waistlock and lifts him over his right shoulder and drops him down to the canvas with extreme force]

Mike: Here’s the cover…

[Kara makes the count]




Peter Jacobs: Here is your winner….REEEEGIINNNN!!!!!!

Match 4: Normal Match TRD vs. Ty Baron

Mike: This next match is going to be something very special for the fans.

Jay: Indeed I saw the chick in the front row flashing people.

Mike: Idiot, I was talking about this being the last match for TY Baron.

Jay: Only after four matches he’s leaving? Wow, I’m crushed.

The Crowd sits in anticipation as the lights in the arena start to dim down slowly. Machine Head's Enter the Phoenix begins to play throughout the arena as the lights get lower and lower. A chilling wind circulates around everyone before Enter the Phoenix starts to come to an end. Just as it ends pyros erupt from the top of the stage and we hear Machine Head's Desire to Fire blast from the speakers. The Real Deal emerges from the back to a deafening cheer from the crowd. He stands at the top of the ramp observing everything around him before rubbing both his wrists and walking towards the ring. When he gets to the ring he walks up the steps and enters through the middle and top rope. He then makes his way to the far right turnbuckle and lifts his right arm up and makes his hand show the sign of the devil to the crowd as they go insane. He then jumps back down and stands awaiting the match to begin

Peter Jacobs: Introducing first, he is the real deal of wrestling here is THE REAL DEAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jay: The Real Deal is surely impressive here tonight.

Mike: How do you know he is impressive? He has yet to step into the ring.

Jay: I was talking about his physic dumb ass.

Mike: I see, I see said the blind man…

(“My Way” by Limp Bizkit begins to play over the P.A. System and the fans get on their feet and start to cheer. The lights then quickly go out as red lights start to flicker all around the ring as the words to My Way then comes on.)

#Special… #You think you're special… #You do… #I can see it in your eyes #I can see it when you laugh at me #Look down on me #You walk around on me #Just one more fight #About your leadership #And I will straight up #Leave your shit #Cause I've had enough of this #And now I'm pissed

(Then the lights around the wrestler’s entrance start to flash and fireworks all around the building begin to go off. In the center of the ring the words Ty Baron circle it as on the Titan-Tron the words just say Ty Baron in Blood Red. Then smoke starts to come out around the entrance and in the smoke there is a shadow that can be seen by everyone. As the chorus starts to come on the lights start to flash faster as the shadow comes into the smoke.)

#Yeah #This time I'm 'a let it all come out #This time I'm 'a stand up and shout #I'm 'a do things my way #It's my way #My way, or the highway

(As those words are said, Ty walks out of the smoke as the spotlight drops on him. He is wearing a black bandana and black boots and blue jeans. He is also wearing a black trenchcoat and no shirt. He just looks down at the ramp as the fans continue to cheer on Ty. He is also wearing orange sunglasses that cover his bright red eyes. His hands are in his pockets and then he looks up as the song continues to play. He then walks down the ring slapping the hands of the fans on the way out.)

(He then enters the ring and takes off his trenchcoat and tosses it to the ringside attendant and takes off his sunglasses as he climbs one of the turnbuckles. He then looks out at the fans and tosses it out as they continue to cheer. He jumps off the turnbuckle and just stands in the ring as the music continues.)

Peter Jacobs: Coming down the aisle next is the soon to be retired, TY BAROOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!

Mike: Here comes the extraordinary Ty Baron!

Jay: I don’t understand why people are so upset that Ty is leaving he’s nothing spectacular.

Mike: We’re sad because he is a great athlete, and we’re going to miss him.

Jay: You might, but I won’t….

Referee Kyra Stone signals for the bell as TRD and Ty go into a big grapple. TRD and Ty push each other around the ring to show their strength, and TRD gets the upper hand by sending Ty down to the mat with a big arm drag. Ty slides back to his feet, and goes right back into a grapple with TRD, Ty shows his leverage of skill after breaking the grapple, and sending TRD to the mat with a hip toss. TRD climbs back to his feet, and goes back to a third grapple, but he shows his cheap route as he breaks it up with a rake to the face of Ty Baron. As Ty holds his face TRD lifts him up, then drops him back down onto the mat for a big scoop slam. Ty holds his back in pain, and TRD drops an elbow right across his sternum.

Jay: Haha! The retiring guy just got old schooled with a face rake from The Real DWO Deal!

Mike: It was a cheap shot, not some old schooled move.

Jay: Say what you want dude, but your just jealous of me!

Mike: Jealous of you? Is that even scientifically possible?

Ty holds his chest, as TRD is back standing watching as Ty does the same. Ty is finally back on his feet, and TRD pulls him into a standing head scissors. TRD hooks him around the waist, and lifts him into the air where he holds him for a second then slams him back down for a shoulder bomb. Ty holds his arm in pain as TRD straightens it out, then proceeds to do a leg drop right across his bicep. TRD keeps the offense on the arm as he hooks him into a short arm scissors, which forces Kyra Storm to come check on Ty to make sure he doesn’t want to give the match up. Ty tries to ease the pressure by rolling over onto his stomach, and climbs onto his knees in an all-four position. TRD keeps the hold on Ty, and uses his position to pull him into a front strangle hold as well.

Mike: The Real Deal is like a human pretzel.

Jay: Yes, he sure does look eatable.

Mike: …I meant in the fact that he can put his opponent into any position.

Jay: Oh! Like those two guys in the porno we rented last night?

TRD releases the arm scissors, and begins climbing to his feet with Ty still being held in the strangle hold. Ty starts trying to fight the hold with some weak punches to the ribs of TRD, but they have no affect as TRD sends Ty back down to the mat with a modified curved butterfly suplex. Ty holds his neck in pain, and TRD taunts him a bit as the crowd jeers loudly. TRD grabs hold of Ty, and pulls him up onto his feet where he pulls him into a front headlock. He grabs hold of the tights of Ty, and then lifts him into the air for a suplex, instead of dropping right back to the mat he walks around the ring with him a bit. The blood begins rushing to the head of Ty, and TRD drops him right back down to the mat for a big power slam. Ty arches up from the mat and holds his back in pain as TRD climbs back up to his feet, and grabs hold of Ty to force him up once more.

Jay: The Real Deal just snapped Ty Baron in half after that move.

Mike: Yes, but I don’t think it was enough to get the man down.

Jay: Sure, unless it is the all-powerful Draven, no one stands a chance with a move like that. Psst.

Mike: Stop making fun of Draven before he comes, and give you the last rights.

TRD hooks Ty around the waist, and sends him to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex, but instead of releasing the hold TRD rolls back up with Ty, and lifts him up into a bear hug. Kyra Stone comes to check on Ty once again to make sure he doesn’t want to give the match up, as TRD shakes him around while keeping the move locked in. Ty continues to try his best to fight the pain, and starts with some ear claps that force TRD to slowly release his grip. TRD drops him back to his feet, and Ty takes him down to the mat with a double leg take down, and follows it up with some punches to the face until Kyra Stone tells him to get off. Ty does as told, and pulls TRD back up to his feet, and pulls him into a front headlock. He clubs TRD across the back a couple of times, and then falls back to the mat with him in a DDT.

Mike: Ty Baron is showing an awesome string of offense since being released from the bear hug.

Jay: Idiot! He wasn’t “released” he fought his way out of the move!

Mike: I thought you were just wooting for The Real Deal?

Jay: I was just pointing out your stupidity!

TRD holds his head in pain as Ty makes his way towards the corner, and starts to make his way up the turnbuckles. TRD begins getting back up to his feet, and Ty leaps off for a missile drop kick that is delivered right onto the center of TRD’s chest knocking him down onto the canvas once again, and the crowd cheers. Ty begins getting back onto his feet, and he shows no mercy as he pulls TRD up to his as well, and hooks him in a standing head scissors. Ty clubs him across the back with some forearms to soften him up a bit. He then showcases his strength as he lifts TRD into the air for a power bomb, then drops down with great impact for a sit-down power bomb pin. Kyra Stone comes running across the ring, and sliding down to make the count.

Kyra Stone: One…………………. Two……………….

TRD kicks out, but Ty immediately sticks to his offense as he climbs back onto his feet with the right leg of TRD gripped firmly in his hands. He turns TRD over onto his stomach, and then sits down for a single leg Boston crab. Kyra Stone stays knelt down to make sure TRD is still in this thing, and he begins to crawl towards the ropes. Before TRD can make his way to the ropes, Ty drags him back into the middle of the ring and drops down across him for a STF. TRD is unable to drag himself towards the ropes with Ty on him, due to the pressure Ty is keeping on his neck. Kyra keeps her focus on TRD to make sure the pain is not too much for him to handle, but TRD ignores her as he starts rocking side to side. TRD rolls onto his back with forces Ty to be pinned, and he quickly releases the hold as Kyra goes to what she thought to be the start of the count.

Jay: Ha! Ty thought he had the victory with that submission, but The Real Deal thought otherwise!

Mike: I do believe Ty was mostly using the move to wear The Real Deal down and not for winning purposes.

Jay: You believe what you’re told to believe Mike. If the fear for Draven were not there, you would be the normal ass you’re known to be.

Mike: I am not afraid of Draven; I just have lots of respect for him.

Ty climbs to his feet taunting TRD to do the same as the crowd cheers him on; TRD finally gets back onto his feet. Ty nails him with a kick to the stomach then pulls him into a standing head scissors, and hooks him in a double underhook. Ty lifts him into the air to hold him for a vertical butterfly suplex, then drops him stomach first over the top rope. TRD holds his stomach in pain as he hangs over the top rope, and Ty does a nice placed drop kick to the middle of TRD’s back forcing him back inside of the ring. Ty drags him back into the middle of the ring, and once again lifts his legs up; TRD quickly shoves him back into the ropes using his legs. Ty hits the ropes and is pushed back forward where TRD pulls him forward into an inside cradle as Kyra Stone comes back to drop down for the count.

Kyra Stone: One…………… Two………….. Thr…….

Ty kicks out, and climbs back onto his feet where he goes for a running elbow drop across the chest of TRD. TRD rolls out of the way and Ty lands with his elbow on the mat, TRD uses the ropes to climb back onto his feet as Ty climbs back onto his while holding his arm in a bit of pain. TRD goes for a kick to the ribs of Ty, but Ty grabs hold of his leg and shoots a small grin his way as the crowd cheers. Just as Ty goes for a capture suplex, TRD does an inzerguri that lands perfectly across the back of Ty’s head knocking him face-first onto the mat. Ty holds the back of his head in pain as TRD climbs back to his feet, and drops an elbow across the neck area of Ty.

Mike: There goes the overwhelming offense of Ty Baron!

Jay: I knew The Real Deal had it in him!

Mike: You were just talking bad about him a minute ago!

Jay: I was not, I was simply judging his amazing defense tactics that makes everyone think he is going to lose…

Ty starts to climb back to his feet where he sees an already standing TRD. TRD kicks him in the stomach, then pulls him into a front headlock as the crowd jeers loudly. TRD twists Ty around and holds him behind him by the neck, then drops him to the mat for a big impacted neck breaker. TRD kicks at Ty a couple of times then goes to the corner, and starts climbing to the top rope as the crowd jeers loudly. He looks down at Ty in the ring, and then leaps off from the top rope coming crash down on him with a flying leg drop for the “Ten Ton Hammer!” TRD slowly crawls back on top of Ty, and Kyra Stone comes sliding across the ring to make the count.

Kyra Stone: One…………………. Two……………. Three!!!!!!!

Kyra Stone signals for the bell, and TRD rolls out of the ring grinning. Ty is helped to his feet, and looks around to the crowd as they cheer him on, before leaving.

Peter Jacobs: The winner is, THE REAL DEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!

Match 5: IC Tourney Match Markus Stone vs. Damian

Damian and Markus lock up in a show of strength. Markus brings Damian down to one know, Damian frees one hand and pokes Markus in the eyes. Damian takes advantage of the situation and DDTs Markus Stone to the mat. Damian lifts Markus up for a suplex but Markus blocks and suplexes Damian. Markus irish whips Damian into the ropes and catches him with a spinebuster.

Markus Stone climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off for a crossbody, Damian rolls out of the way. Markus rolls over holding his knee as Damian gets up and begins to work with the injured leg with a leg grapevine. Damian lets the move go and begins to stomp on Markus's leg, Damian drags Markus to the center of the ring and puts Stone in a figure four. Stone reels in pain slamming his hands against the mat trying to reverse. Stone turns the figure four over and locks it in for a few seconds before letting go and crawling to the corner to recuperate.

Markus Stone gets up and walks over to Damian with a limp, Stone lifts up Damian and sets him up for a powerbomb, Damian drops to his knees and hits a low blow on Markus. Damian stands up, and puts Markus into the turnbuckles. Damian walks over to Markus, signals for the end and executes the Drenched In Blood. Damian gets up and covers Markus Stone One...................... Two....................... Three!!!!!!!!


The crowd was full as Mike and jay began talking after the commercial break.

Mike: Well folks, tonight has been good to us but we still got more to come.

Jay: Yes we do. Although it would be better if Los Angeles didn’t stink so much.

Mike: Stink?

Jay: Yes. You know the smell that comes off your body or from some smelly food or…

Mike: Shut up please.

The voice’s stirred in the arena with cheer’s were a select few stood in on their feet. The light on and the smoke ready as the curtains came apart and the fans noticed. The first few rows looked back as a mixed reaction came out as a man in all black came walking out.

Mike: Look at that Jay? I wonder who this is.

Jay: I don’t know but he is tall.

No music, no pyro’s, nothing at all but a man in black with a hood over his head. Gentle steps the guy took as he walked down the long rampway down to the ring. Every fan in the arena didn’t know what to do. Cheer, boo, or even care.

Mike: Well I have no idea who this is but I am sure wanting to know.

Jay: Me to but can it come faster?

The masked man got all the way down the ramp and turned to his right. Stepping up the stairs, the masked character grabbed the ropes and climbed through. The mixed crowd moved around as the man walked over to the ropes and reached out his hand for a microphone.

Jay: He or she is going to talk?

Mike: Man, how did you figure that out Jay?

Jay: Because I am the genious of the two.

The crowd started to get anxious as the man walked to the middle of the ring and stood tall. Holding the microphone to his lips, The dark man brought what looked to be a voice box up with the other hand. He put it to his lips as the fans got ready for the words to come.

Masked man: DWO fans…

The fans let out a cheer as it seemed they knew who it might be.

Masked man: It’s time for the return of your former…

Mike: It can’t be…

Mike and Jay both did what the fans did as they got on their feet ready to boo the lights off. The masked man grabbed the hood and pulled upward on it. It came off and the place went wild. The fans jumped out of their seat as so did Mike and Jay. Standing in the ring was the one and only Apocalypse.

Jay: That’s…that’s…

Mike: Yes, That’s the retired Apocalypse. What the hell is he doing here?

Apocalypse gave a smile as he tossed down the voice box and looked left and right. The fans screamed away as Apocalypse brought the microphone back up.

Apocalypse: Kickass deadman.

The atmosphere went wild as Apocalypse looked out at the men and women in the front row.

Apocalypse: A few months ago I came out here and told everyone of you that I was done with wrestling. I told you all that I am done with this business. Well I lied. And I am coming home next week.

Mike: Apocalypse is coming back here Jay.

Jay: Damn he is tall and scary.

Mike: Forget it.

The fans started an Apocalypse chant as he gave a smile to add.

Apocalypse: But to answer everyone question they are asking right now, is it DWO I am coming to. That answer is a simple no.

Mike: No? What does he mean?

Apocalypse: You fans here are so stupid. I mean come on, you went happy to see me. You were expecting to see the dead Donny Diamond.

The fans started to boo away. Dead happiness in the arena after Apocalypse said that. He got an angry face as he walked forward and grabbed the ropes.

Apocalypse: You fans make me sick the way you cheer for someone one time and then boo them the next. As far as I am concern, the DWO can go to hell and take all you fans with it.

Mike: What did the DWO and the fans do to Apocalypse?

Jay: You heard him. They cheered for the man that beat him down the night he retired.

Mike: And that is a reason?

The fans booed big time with a “Go to hell” chant. Apocalypse flipped off a fan in the front row as he raised the microphone back to his lips.

Apocalypse: So to all the FAW fans out there, Apocalypse returns home next week. Come show me the respect that all you worthless pieces of shit should do. The deadman is back and here I come on the rise.

The fans couldn’t believe it as Apocalypse tossed the microphone down to the ring as he walked to the ring ropes. He climbed out of the ring as the fans kept of chanting “Go to hell” towards him.

Mike: So Apocalypse is heading to FAW and out of retirement.

Jay: I don’t blame the fans one bit for doing it.

Mike: I don’t either.

Jay: So you are going to watch FAW now huh?

Mike: No, I am loyal to DWO only.

Jay: Whatever.

Apocalypse got to the top of the ramp as he gave one last finger to all the fans before the shot went to the back.

Main Event: Steel Cage Match Kai Shinobi vs. Tyrone Grace

Right away Tyrone floors Kai, smashing his head into the cage repeativly. Kai hits the mat hard, holding his head in pain. Ty angrily brings him to his feet, attacking with multiple lefts and rights. Suddenly Kai ducks and executes a beautiful neck breaker. They both slowly reach their feet at the same time. Ty attempts a shoulder tackle but Kai leaps over him and performs a huge roundhouse dropkick. Grace hits the mat as Kai begins to climb the cage. He makes it halfway up when Grace leaps to his feet. He grabs Kai by the legs and slams him to the mat with a vicious sitout powerbomb. Ty locks in a half crab, hoping to take his legs out. Somehow Kai pushes Ty off. He bounces back off the ropes and gets smacked with a powerful sidekick. Grace bounces right back up and is met by two hard right hands to the chest. Kai goes for a clothesline but Grace ducks. When Kai turns around he is taken out with a huge DDT. Both competitors are down for a long time. After a while of no movement, Kai begins to get up. When he reaches his feet he grabs the cage and slowly begins to climb it. But just like that Tyrone is back up quickly and runs straight for Kai. Kai senses him and kicks him the head. Ty wobbles backwards when Kai leaps off, connecting with a stunning spinning heel kick. Kai sits on the mat trying to regain focus while Grace isn't moving at all. Kai slowly reaches his feet. Knowing Grace won't stay down for long, he climbs to the top rope. He then leaps off with an incredible shooting star press, but Tyrone rolls away! A while goes by before anyone moves. While up a few punches are exchanged before Kai hits a quick leg sweep. Kai leans back on the ropes trying to catch his breath, but Grace again gets up. Grace runs right at Kai and hits a powerful clothesline. He lifts Kai to his feet. He places Kai's head under his arm. He's signaling for Perfection! But Kai begins to knee Ty in the gut, trying to get free. Grace stumbles to the side. Kai quickly grabs Grace by the wrist, swinging him aside. Kai then lets go, leaps up, and delievers a powerful thrust kick to his chest. Dragon Thrust! Kai then stumbles towards the ropes and clutches to the cage. He slowly makes his way to the top. He takes one final look at the motionless Tyrone Grace and then leaps over.