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Three things that make me happy!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Rein's Personal Site
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Hello. I'm Hanna Alea Quiray. I am from the Philippines and a Computer Science student.I love creating webpages and sites. This is my personal home page at AngelFire and I'm working to making it the greatest home Page ever. (Huh?)Anyway, this site will feature me, my family, my school and studies and all about me in the first place. Friends can easily reach me through this. I'm a friendly lad and I got so many friends around the world. So I'd like to use this page to greet them, those who are in Alaska, in New York, in Nevada, in Florida, in Texas, in Vancouver, in Toronto, in Malaysia, in Japan, in India and of course those who are in Manila and all parts of the Philippines.
