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Strike for America

                                                                        Let's Make Him Quit


"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

                                     -George W. Bush

    Are you ready for four more years? If not, you've come to the right place. We've noticed all the mistakes our President has made. We know that his thinking isn't good for America. We know the world doesn't want him in power. One problem, we haven't done anything about it. We sleep, work and eat endlessly instead of showing the world what we're made of. We watch the news instead of creating the news. We think of our furture yet don't fight for it. Do you understand why the world hates America now? We've only been the strongest nation in the world since WWII. That's only 60 years, and we're already losing our way. We may hate what's going on in the world, but there is a difference between being pissed and trying to make a difference. We can't let 1984 become our present. We can't let the government be in complete control when they don't listen to the people. America could be the next great world power, or we could fall flat on our faces and take the world with us.


That's why I'm here, writing this. We need to do something. Something more than just a debate between friends. This something needs to be big enough for the administration to look our way. What can be better than a strike?


-A Hunger Strike


-A Job/School Strike


-An Economy Strike


Inauguration Day is on January 20th, would you care to join us?



How to join

E-mail me at  Or IM me through AOL Sign-On name Dream And Write.   


Fight for America


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