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Feeling guilty your dog hasn't been getting out enough because of your hectic schedule?
Wish you could take your dog to the park more often?
Tired of driving home during your lunch break to check on your lonely pup?
If you've been unable to spend quality time with your dog for any reason, don't worry. . .
ALINA AND CATHIE are here to help!

Providing your dog with regular exercise is crucial to his or her health and happiness. Exercise helps to lower your dog's stress, encourages problem-free behavior, and promotes a healthy social temperament. We will devote our time and energy, rain or shine, to looking after your dog's well being when you're unable to. You can relax knowing that your dog is in good hands and receiving the affection, attention and playtime he or she deserves.

While in our care, your pet will receive the love, hugs, tummy rubs, and attention he or she needs and a customized exercise schedule which could be anything from a rigorous run to a game of fetch ---you tell us what your dog likes! He or she will be given a chance to relieve him or herself outside (and we'll clean the mess!) They will also be given fresh water and treats. And receive special care if necessary.


Our main service is walking dogs for those who are too busy or just can't physically handle the task. Our sessions will last approximately sixty minutes, and provide your dog with healthy excercise, socialization with other dogs, and lots of fun! The session could include not only a long walk around the neighborhood, but also some play time in the park. And all dogs get drinks and snacks!

At least once a month we will have a dog bathing day. On a weekend afternoon, we will wash dogs, comb their hair, or provide any other grooming services that are necessary.

We can also provide any special needs services, such as dog sitting or feeding. Just ask!
