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The heartwarming story of a boy and his family.

    Meet D.J. Grizzle.  He's not your average boy.  As an infant he was taken out into the woods by his family and left to die, but someone must have been looking over this poor little fellow because he was discovered by a family of grizzly bears.  At first they were alarmed by the child's crying but after a few long minutes of sniffing him out they decided to pick him up and take him home.

    So starts the miraculous life of the boy we know only as D.J. Grizzle...

    The grizzly bears loved him and they raised him as one of their own.  They were one big happy family; Momma, Poppa, Sis, Spike, and the boy whom they came to call Grizzle.  He caught on quickly to the ways of the bears.  They taught him how to live in the wild in true grizzly bear fashion; hunting, fishing, finding berries, and of coarse sleeping.

    He loved his family and was utterly content with his life.  Living free out in the great wilderness.  But as anyone knows things cant stay the same forever.  One day Grizzle and his brother Spike were on the way home from a leisurely day of fishing when something horrible happened.  They were close to home when they heard a great commotion.  Their parents were roaring with a ferocity that neither Grizzle nor Spike had ever heard.  They dashed off to see what was the matter.  They arrived just in time to see their mother and father reared up to their full height facing down with two of Grizzle's own race.  That's when it all happened.  Several loud noises rocked the woods that day, his mother, father, and sister all were killed.  Grizzle and Spike could do nothing but stay where they were and hide.  It was the only way to escape the same gruesome fate their family had befallen.

    The men took their parents and sister away and that was the last they saw of any of them.  Grizzle and Spike just sat in their hiding spot and shook from the shock of what just had transpired.  It was well after dark when Grizzle realized they needed to leave and find some help.  He wasn't sure where they would find help or if there was even anything that could be done to help.  So they both just started walking.  Neither knew where they were headed nor did they head in any one direction.  They wandered without sleep or food, only stopping to wet their parched lips when they passed a water supply.  After 4 long days and nights they both finally collapsed with exhaustion and slipped quickly from consciousness.

    Grizzle woke with a start as he was shook awake.  He scrambled back as quickly as possibly when he opened his eyes and saw humans surrounding him.  Glaring at him with fearful and curious eyes.  He snarled and growled at them and took up the best defensive posture he could but several of the grown men took him down and he was taken away.  Spike had been chased away by the same group of people that discovered Grizzle.  He watched helplessly from some nearby bushes as they took the last member of his family away.  Completely devastated he crashed off into the forest.

    Grizzle was taken to the authorities and he sat in a cell while they figured out what to do with him.  He was checked out by doctors and given a clean bill of health.  Later he was taken to a home for boys.  A place where severely disturbed and sick children were taken.  It was a long and slow process for him to adapt to this way of life.  Grizzle was taught how to speak and eventually learned how to read and write.  He was a fast learner but he would never truly be a part of this world.  His home was the wild and he was as much a part of it as it was a part of him.

    He kept to himself at the home.  The horrible memories of his family's untimely demise would haunt him till the day he died.  He thought of his brother allot.  Knowing that Spike was out in the world gave him something to live for.  His goal being that he would reunite with Spike and they would find the people who killed their family.  He knew his brother would survive.  He knew...

    One day while out in the yard 2 older boys were picking on a small little whelp of a boy.  Grizzle; having been raised with extremely strong instincts, rushed to the kids aid, clawing at the older boys and shrieking with rage.  They were so frightened from Grizzle's feral display that they ran away screaming and crying.  They were completely uninjured but the shock would make them keep their distance from Grizzle for the remainder of their stay.

    Grizzle helped the whelp up and asked him what his name was.

    "Eddie" He replied.

    Grizzle and Eddie talked the rest of the afternoon and quickly became friends.  They were each mystified by the other's lifestyle.  Each being raised in the complete opposite manner.  Grizzle being raised by wild grizzly bears, sequestered from civilization.  Eddie being raised in a bustling metropolis, surrounded and dependent on technology.  They helped each other to understand the world better.  Grizzle taught Eddie about nature, showing him all the splendors that life in the wild had to offer.  He taught him how to track game and how to fish.  Showed him what berries were edible and which would make you sick.  Eddie in turn taught Grizzle the vast scientific wonders of man.  Exposing him to television, video games, and most of all music.

    Grizzle immediately fell in love with music and wanted to play music of his own.  He was very impatient though and did not understand instruments.  One day Eddie showed Grizzle how to make music on one of the computers at the home.  It was so easy and Grizzle was so happy, he spent all of his free time there in the computer lab.  He even snuck down at night to work on his tracks.  He compiled a huge bank of material that Eddie and himself would listen to for hours on end.

    Then there came the day that they released Grizzle.  He had turned 18 and was healthy so they had to turn him loose into the world.  His life was once again turned upside down.  Eddie was a year younger than him and would have to stay behind.  His whole world was once again being taken from him, but his deep seeded need to find his brother Spike kept his sorrow at bay.

    He moved into the city and got a job at Burgerville (McDonalds sucks ass) .  He got his own apartment and got settled in, trying to carve out his own place in life.  He searched for his brother whenever he could, and kept working on his music at home.  Two years went by and no sign of his brother.

    Grizzle had taken to walking through the woods at night to clear his mind of stress and the bad dreams he would always have.  It was a night such as this that Grizzle was walking a path he had walked at least a hundred times before, when a bright light shone from deep into the woods.  He was wary of it but the curiosity go the better of him and he decided to investigate.  As he got closer the light got brighter, so bright that even squinting he couldn't see more than a foot in front of him.  He was stumbling and groping his way onward when the light all of a sudden dissipated.

    He was standing at the edge of a large clearing.  The moon shone brightly enough to see everything quite clearly.  In the center of the clearing stood a stone platform, ornately carved and decorated.  On the platform stood a man.  But he was no ordinary man, he radiated a power that made Grizzle turn away for a moment before gazing upon him again.

    Grizzle was walking towards the man when he caught a glimpse of movement at the other end of the clearing.  He looked more closely and; after a moments inspection, nearly feinted from shock.  Shambling across the clearing was Spike.  Who at this time had also recognized Grizzle.  They ran to greet each other in a tangle of limbs and fur, laughing and weeping in a great show of joy.  Several minutes passed when the man at the platform spoke.

    "Grizzle! Spike!"

    Grizzle and Spike forgot their touching reunion quickly and shrank in fear and awe of the man.

    "Do not be afraid.  I am not here to harm you.  You two are very important to me."

    Grizzle and Spike looked at each other curiously then returned their confused gaze back to the man.

    "I understand how confused you must be.  I will explain myself.  I am God.  I have been watching and shaping your entire lives.  I have need of you two.  I need you to be my messengers, my hands, my tools."

    "Tools for what?" Grizzle asked in a frightened voice.

    "I need you to be my Agents of Destruction!  I need you to be my tools of divine retribution!  I need you to seek out and destroy all that is forsaken and lame!  I will bestow upon you powers to help you in your roles.  You Spike are now capable of breathing fire.  A fire so powerful that it will burn anything and everything in its path.  And you Grizzle... you can now shoot lasers out of your hands, fueled my the very light of GOD!!!"

    Grizzle and Spike were in complete shock.  Neither of them dared to move a muscle.

    "I must leave you now my children, but I will always be with you.  I will also grant you with the ability to see into peoples minds, hearts, and souls.  Destroy all who can not be redeemed.  I must be going now, Jeff Edwards is awake and I must tell him that I do not approve of him."  Then suddenly he vanished into a brilliant flash of light. 

Grizzle and spike opened their eyes and looked around.  They were far from where thy had begun, but they knew what they must do.

So our story begins...