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when it was the ideal Organization (circa 1965).


The list is self explanatory. It is completely Impossible to Dead Agent because it is true. All you need is to check “The Auditor” Issue #19 issued in 1967. If you don’t trust the copies you find on the Internet, find a “Hard copy”. Don’t take my word for it. Check for yourself and find that they are the same.


Check the original set of OEC Volumes published in the 1970s. Some policies may have been cancelled or reissued under LRH name, but the original signatories don’t lie. Many Policies from 1963-1967 are signed by St-Hill Executives stating their full names and post.


Check Flag ED 2830RB, 25 July 1992 "ENEMIES OF THE CHURCH" and you’ll find most names on this list!!!


Not enough of an outpoint? Then ask yourself why is the Enemy List no longer being published. It was meant to be revised monthly, so as to keep HCO “Up-to-date”.


The answer: when originally published on the Internet over a decade ago, the list proved to be a great embarrassment to the Church (the list was over 100 pages long).


13 years later, the list has grown by over 6000 new names… (and none removed from the previous list that I know of).  It can now be successfully argued that there are more people either “Declared Suppressive” or “not in good standing” with the Church that there are people currently an actively supporting that organization…


A review of the names of “Declared SPs” reads like a “Who’s Who of the History of the Church”. This explains why every single name of staff, public and student have been meticulously been deleted by current Management from current official tape lectures.


The list speaks for itself.


What St-Hill truly made out of SPs??? Or was it actually made of people of good will???


Who are the true SPs???


LRH say: “Look at the stats”.  Scientology Internationally was assigned a Condition of Power by LRH in 1973. (This is the origin of the 5.4x Game for Orgs). Contraily to previous Managements, Current Management keeps its stats in close secrecy.


For anyone in doubt, find the true stats of current Management and draw your won conclusions…



LRH                              Executive Director                     

Philip Quirino                 LRH Comm                               Living under guard In Reclusive retirement home

Pat Bloomberg               Dissem Sec                              DECLARED SP             (Declared by Current Church Church Leadership)           

Peter Hemery                HCO Secretary                          DECLARED SP Personal Friend of LRH       

Mike Rigby                    Dir Accounts                             DECLARED SP             (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Ken Urquhart                 LRH Pers Comm                        DECLARED SP LRH Butler, LRH Pers Comm for 15 years            (Declared by Current Church Leadership)  

Joyce Popham               LRH Pers Sec                           DECLARED SP                         (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Len Regenass:              HCO Area Sec                           DECLARED SP       

Joan McNocher:             D/Guardian                                DECLARED SP                                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Dalene Regenass           Org E.S                                    DECLARED SP                                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Robin Hancocks            Deputy HCO Executive Sec        DECLARED SP                                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Frank Freedman            D/Qual                                      DECLARED SP Clear #127 Class VIII      (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Betty James Ad             Council Chairman                       DECLARED SP                                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

John McMaster              SHSBC Course Supervisor          DECLARED SP FIRST CLEAR 

Otto Roos                     Ad Council                                DECLARED SP Clear #25   One of the original LRH trained Class XII  (completed A-E of a prior Declare. But Re-Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Pam Pearcy                  Ad Council                                DECLARED SP Clear #211                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)   

Reg Sharpe                   LRH Assistant                           DECLARED SP Clear #7      Personal Friend of LRH       

Leon Steinberg              Exec Council                             DECLARED SP Clear #10    Personal Friend of LRH   One of the original LRH trained Class XII        (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

J.J Delance                   Technical Staff                           DECLARED SP Clear #17    Started Scn in France (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Tony Dunleavy               Clearing Course Supervisor         DECLARED SP Clear #20                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Connie Broadbent          Dir Accounts                             DECLARED SP Clear #29                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Craig Lipsitz                  Qual Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #30                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Marilynn Routsong         HCO Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #31                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Brian Livingston             Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #35    One of the original LRH trained Class XII     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Herbie Parkhouse          Org Exec Sec                            DECLARED SP Clear #55    Personal Friend of LRH        Org Exec Sec (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Anton James                 Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #53                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Jenny Parkhouse           Treasury Staff                            DECLARED SP Clear #54    Personal Friend of LRH     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Virginia Downsborough   Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #39                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Van Staden                   Treasury Staff                            DECLARED SP Clear #40                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Sheena Fairchild            Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #41                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Jennifer Edmonds          Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #15                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Bernie Green                 Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #18    

Gareth McCoy               Dissem Staff                              DECLARED SP Clear #21    

Dalene Regenas            Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #24                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Felice Green                  Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #26                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

John Lawrence               Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #28                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Peggy Bankston            Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #34                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Helen Pollen                  Qual Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #47                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Fred Fairchild                Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #49    .                  (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Dorothy Knight               Dissem Staff                              DECLARED SP Clear #50                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Judy Gray                     Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #56                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Cal Wigney                   Div 6 Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #57                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Mary Long                     Div 6 Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #58                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Bill Robertson                Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #61                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Linda Nussbaum            Exec Staff                                 DECLARED SP Clear #62                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Robin Lindsell                Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP Clear #73    Class XII      (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Jenny Parkhouse           Saint Hill Staff                            DECLARED SP Clear #54                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Val Wigney                   Saint Hill Interne                        DECLARED SP Clear #87                       (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Edith Hoyseth                Saint Hill Interne                        DECLARED SP Clear #105                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Roger Biddell                 Saint Hill Interne                        DECLARED SP Clear #107                     (Declared by Current Church Leadership)

Cyril Vosper                  Tech Staff                                  DECLARED SP            




For those interested in a bit of Humor: here are a few “RTC Jokes”


Definition of RTC: That group which consist of 2 ½% of Church Management….


Alternate meaning for the RTC Acronym: Reprehensible Technology Corruptors.


Definition of an RTC Inspector: A being who no longer has his own Analytical Mind.


Why did RTC change the name of  “Integrity Processing” back to Confessional Auditing?

A: So they wouldn’t be found out removing the Integrity part of it.








The entire content of this page is Copyrighted 2005 by Pierre Ethier. No part of it may be distributed or copied or replublished without permission of the author.