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15th May 2003 Vesak Day...

So Bored!!! all alone at home.. Mum says that I've to study for my exams as my mid-year is coming... But I don't have the mood to study... How how??!! Cham... scared I fail my exams... Esp. Chinese.. Gone case... Tomorrow have math class test... Argh.. so headache... 2e1 and 2e2 say that the math paper is very difficult.. Haiz... Tomorrow, my school will be giving out the thermometers to everyone.. We have to take our temperature twice a day.. In the morning before lessons and after school.. Everyone has to stand up when taking temperature.. Teacher pair me and germaine to be buddies to check each others temperature everyday.. So troublesome.. Cuz of the Sars thingy...

Anyway, hehehe.. Last week Friday, Mr. Chu gave out our history class test paper... I was so so very afraid that I can't score of this paper as it was quite easy.. I sat on my chair as teacher was calling out my classmates name.. Then teacher called mine.. I stood up and walk towards Mr. Chu.. He was smiling at me saying "Well Done"... I took my paper and was shocked that I scored full marks! And I got the highest in class!! So happy.. My other friends did quite well too... Two of them lost me by two marks.. haha.. But they were not very happy.. Cuz they studied very hard for this paper and I studied on the spot.. lolx.. 

Dennis, Shiqi, Eliza, Jodus and Nison's quarrel with noel is not over yet... I'm e middle man.. Both parties all my good friends and I don't know wad to do... All I hope is that all of them can patch up again.. But noel says that patching up is not that easy and even if they patch up, the feeling and bond won't be there anymore.. I really don't know wad to do.. Dennis say that I can help them as I'm very close to noel... I did all I can.. Use up my saliva.. But Still cannot work!!! Is either they choose Noel or Jodus.. Aiyo... I dunno lah..

I've gtg now.. Smsing that puny guy Tien Lam.. lolx.. Dunno why.. But he hates his Chinese name.. I think is quite alright what.. ya? Hmm.. Gtg!! Bubbye!!