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Attention Googlers:

Please take note that a Google search for "Christopher Milenkevich" will yield results for TWO separate Christopher Milenkeviches. The first is myself, the original Christopher Milenkevich. I am 28 years old, I live in Manhattan, and I will shortly begin my career as a corporate lawyer. Although I have been guilty of some unfortunate adolescent stylings (see mullet at Poison concert, 1988) I was never a Goth poet. The Goth-poet Christopher Milenkevich is my young first cousin once removed. We have never met, though perhaps we shall one day when he does not "hate society in which [he] live[s]" quite so much. Thank you for your attention. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to e-mail me at [Signed] Christopher Milenkevich (orig.)