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Brandon's Home Page

Hey everyone,this is Brandon WIlliams! I play baseball,gold,and basketball! I love hanging out,riding around,playing sports,t/k to girls,and doing stuff with my friends! In school i hang out with Derrick,Matt,Ryan,and Jake the most! My Best friend is Ryan Adams! I wanna be in the Major Leagues one day in Baseball!! My Favorite movies are "Fast and the Furious" and "2Fast and 2Furious"!! I am a BIG FLIRT....but it's fun as long as you don't gotta girl to get in trouble with!!lol I love goin to G-Town and shooting ball with my friends over there,I love going to Martin at nights with everyone I know there,and I love goin to DHS,because we got the BEST school around!! The funniest person i know is either Jake Doster,Lance Norris,Ian,or Matt from South Carolina! I like just hanging out with my friends that I'm real close with and watching funny movies or just being stupid and everyone laughing! I am going to be in the 10th grade for Dresden High School! And I turn 16 in Oct.! Thank's for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

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