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Follow along my journey of completed and in progress season replays and projects using what is easily the greatest tabletop baseball simulation ever created... REPLAY BASEBALL. 

At this point, I've completed a 1953 Brooklyn Dodger replay that included a World Series victory over a Mark Miller managed New York Yankee team, and a 1954 Brooklyn Dodger replay in which the loveable Bums of Flatbush bushwhacked the New York Giants and took the NL pennant by a whopping 14 games (sorry Tbb)!  The '54 series against the AL champion Cleveland Indians has yet to take place.

I also have several other replay's in progress.  I'm at the 130 game mark of a 1949 Brooklyn replay, a 102 games into a '66 San Francisco replay,  30 games into a dual 1978 Boston and San Francisco (Classic Set) replay, and 25 games into a '69 Oakland replay.  I'm also chomping at the bit to begin a series elimination tournament with the soon to be released Dead Ball Decade set.  I know this sounds like I have way too much on my plate, but I enjoy switching back and forth between all the different replays.  I'll get them all finished eventually!

For my season replay's, I use Dave Morris' Fast Play charts to recreate the pennant races and the FABULOUS Auto-Stat program by the remarkable Mark Miller for my stat keeping.  Stat keeping for tabletop baseball will never be a cumbersome chore again thanks to this unbelievable program!

Follow the links below to view my Replay generated statistics and other Replay fun stuff.

                              1949 Brooklyn (in progress)                           1966 San Francisco (in progress)                                        

                              1953 Brooklyn                                               1969 Oakland (in progress)

                             1953 World Series                                           1978 Boston (in progress)

                             1954 Brooklyn                                                1978 San Francisco (in progress)

Also for your viewing pleasure I've posted the scoresheets from all the no hitters I've been fortunate enough to have had.  Lastly, I've compiled a comparison of the final stats of two completed 1953 replays.  One using Replay and the other using Baseball for Windows.  This comparison shows, at least in my opinion, that Replay is by far the most statistically accurate of the two platforms. Just something kind of fun to look at.  Enjoy.



                            1949 Don Newcombe vs Philadelphia

                            1953 Billy Loes vs New York Yankees (WS)

                            1954 Billy Loes vs Philadelphia

                            1980 J.R. Richard vs Atlanta

                            1986 Roger Clemens vs Seattle (10 innings)

                            1953 COMPARISON